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No nub bashing ...


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This thread isn't a whinefest, but I figured I should start it in the Kitchen, just in case. The "kindler, gentler" CR probably isn't a terrible idea in the sense of us not scaring away crop after crop of "could-be" decent members (not that I in any way represent said standard), that may not start off on the best foot. I also agree just jumping on someone and calling them a "Shit-eating fucktard, that eats shit, than shits that shit out and eats it again" is probably crossing a line, if someone just didn't post a pic. However, the system we use is one of the best I've seen on an internet forum, and helps keep a lot of d-bags from flooding us with their stupidity, thus making all of us dumber in the process. I am mildy confused by the new setup we have, for instance ...


We can tell them "Don't drop the soap", or "put on your flame suit", but we can't fuck em in the ass, or flame them anymore ? I took a mild flaming when I started, and didn't act like a bitch about it (too much anyway). Ofcourse that was before I could have been rejected too, so maybe the comparison isn't so apt. Regardless I'm going to follow the rules here, and as a mod said, if you can't, than don't type columbusracing.com into the address bar, but that said, I'd hate to see CR get too kind, and too gentle.

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  sol740 said:
This thread isn't a whinefest, but I figured I should start it in the Kitchen, just in case. The "kindler, gentler" CR probably isn't a terrible idea in the sense of us not scaring away crop after crop of "could-be" decent members (not that I in any way represent said standard), that may not start off on the best foot. I also agree just jumping on someone and calling them a "Shit-eating fucktard, that eats shit, than shits that shit out and eats it again" is probably crossing a line, if someone just didn't post a pic. However, the system we use is one of the best I've seen on an internet forum, and helps keep a lot of d-bags from flooding us with their stupidity, thus making all of us dumber in the process. I am mildy confused by the new setup we have, for instance ...


We can tell them "Don't drop the soap", or "put on your flame suit", but we can't fuck em in the ass, or flame them anymore ? I took a mild flaming when I started, and didn't act like a bitch about it (too much anyway). Ofcourse that was before I could have been rejected too, so maybe the comparison isn't so apt. Regardless I'm going to follow the rules here, and as a mod said, if you can't, than don't type columbusracing.com into the address bar, but that said, I'd hate to see CR get too kind, and too gentle.


what he said.

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Its because we have lost a lot of cool people to random bashing. We are tired of seeing 10 welcomes followed by some tard that has been here less than a year taking a cheap shot for no reason. Not posting a picture isnt enough reason to rip someone a new one. Some of you are kind and give a friendly reminder... while others are complete dicks that are turning people away before their second post. We were getting carried away with the hazing so we are putting a stop to it.


BTW, There will still be bashing, but the person has to deserve it. If they want to get on here talking about how cool they are, and how they are going to whoop us feel free to let em have it! If after a few posts (and being warned) they are still typin like dis n shyt + tellin all da kool peeples about thier krush velvet interior... have fun ;)

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In case any of you guys give a fuck, i just made a sticky in the oven to replace all of the stickies for new members to read, in hopes that they can manage to click on one instead of having to deal with 8 or however many there were.


With any luck, this will help cut down on fail intros. It won't help everyone, obviously...

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  AkumaNoZetto said:
Cant you set a thread that HAS to be viewed after someone signs up and gets approved? I know a lot of other forums have that.


what he said /\



and some leave you stuck there for a amount of time just to keep you from bypassing it.



I just signed up on a forum and i cant even post for 5-7 days. only thing i can do is read and search.

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  copperhead said:
In case any of you guys give a fuck, i just made a sticky in the oven to replace all of the stickies for new members to read, in hopes that they can manage to click on one instead of having to deal with 8 or however many there were.


With any luck, this will help cut down on fail intros. It won't help everyone, obviously...


And also, at the top of that thread, you may want to write in big letters to "Keep reading the entire thread, it doesn't end after the first post", which I almost did, thinking it was a usual sticky with only one post in it.

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  AkumaNoZetto said:
And also, at the top of that thread, you may want to write in big letters to "Keep reading the entire thread, it doesn't end after the first post", which I almost did, thinking it was a usual sticky with only one post in it.


yeah...ditto on that.


btw that looks good copper

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This shit is weaker then Aunt Jemima. Post diabetes and pre delicious syrup creation. What's that leave? Nothing!


I'll wager 20 bucks this whole thing gives a thrift store influx of inbreds at the meets this season. Thus giving us more bad publicity.

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Wow this is the first I've read of these shenanigans. We should probably change the name of The Oven to "The Happy Caring Fun Time No Meanies Club".



As queer as this is my following argument applies to both sides...its the god damned internet. Serios bizness.

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  Not Brian said:
God I hate it when people spell "noob" as nub. Pronounce it, nuhb..


That is how we actually pronounced it in one of my FPS clans. Like tub with an "N". Im not sure how, or why but it got wedged into my online vernacular, so eat my balls nub. I even named my cat nub.

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  sol740 said:
This thread isn't a whinefest, but I figured I should start it in the Kitchen, just in case. The "kindler, gentler" CR probably isn't a terrible idea in the sense of us not scaring away crop after crop of "could-be" decent members (not that I in any way represent said standard), that may not start off on the best foot. I also agree just jumping on someone and calling them a "Shit-eating fucktard, that eats shit, than shits that shit out and eats it again" is probably crossing a line, if someone just didn't post a pic. However, the system we use is one of the best I've seen on an internet forum, and helps keep a lot of d-bags from flooding us with their stupidity, thus making all of us dumber in the process. I am mildy confused by the new setup we have, for instance ...


We can tell them "Don't drop the soap", or "put on your flame suit", but we can't fuck em in the ass, or flame them anymore ? I took a mild flaming when I started, and didn't act like a bitch about it (too much anyway). Ofcourse that was before I could have been rejected too, so maybe the comparison isn't so apt. Regardless I'm going to follow the rules here, and as a mod said, if you can't, than don't type columbusracing.com into the address bar, but that said, I'd hate to see CR get too kind, and too gentle.


I know several guys that want nothing to do with this site because of tards who have nothing good to say.


On the other hand there still needs to be a filter on the pool to keep the crap out.

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  V8 BEAST said:
Its because we have lost a lot of cool people to random bashing. We are tired of seeing 10 welcomes followed by some tard that has been here less than a year taking a cheap shot for no reason. Not posting a picture isnt enough reason to rip someone a new one. Some of you are kind and give a friendly reminder... while others are complete dicks that are turning people away before their second post. We were getting carried away with the hazing so we are putting a stop to it.


BTW, There will still be bashing, but the person has to deserve it. If they want to get on here talking about how cool they are, and how they are going to whoop us feel free to let em have it! If after a few posts (and being warned) they are still typin like dis n shyt + tellin all da kool peeples about thier krush velvet interior... have fun ;)


Finally, a logical, adult view.

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I agree with the total nonsense of calling people stupid names but at the same time just about everyone on here has gone threw it. I understand that people think that we (CR) are assholes but again as people have stated its the internet. I don't do it cause i see people get angry but it does help filter out idiots that do burnouts in the parking lot and other stuff your not suppose to do at meets. We may lose some cool members but they have to understand the majority of us either hangout with each other or have been to enough meets that we know one another. But like i said it was fun reading about some of the stuff and it helped bashing some people it put them in there place! But rules are rules
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The problem is that it doesnt filter out the idiots. I can name at least 10 people from other boards that I'm cool with, that already came here and left. 10 people that would have contributed that got welcomed by assholes.


YOU CAN STILL BE MEAN TO PEOPLE ON THE INTERWEBZ. YOU JUST HAVE TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE FIRST. Hopefully my caps made it easier for you tards to see what I'm trying to say. If you really want to be mean to people we have plenty of idiots that made it out of the oven and post daily. Step your game up and go after tenured members instead of noobs. I havnt seen a real call out in the kitchen from you panty waists in ages.

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  V8 BEAST said:
The problem is that it doesnt filter out the idiots. I can name at least 10 people from other boards that I'm cool with, that already came here and left. 10 people that would have contributed that got welcomed by assholes.


YOU CAN STILL BE MEAN TO PEOPLE ON THE INTERWEBZ. YOU JUST HAVE TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE FIRST. Hopefully my caps made it easier for you tards to see what I'm trying to say. If you really want to be mean to people we have plenty of idiots that made it out of the oven and post daily. Step your game up and go after tenured members instead of noobs. I havnt seen a real call out in the kitchen from you panty waists in ages.


Do you actually post daily you fucking tard?

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