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No nub bashing ...


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Its because we have lost a lot of cool people to random bashing. We are tired of seeing 10 welcomes followed by some tard that has been here less than a year taking a cheap shot for no reason. Not posting a picture isnt enough reason to rip someone a new one. Some of you are kind and give a friendly reminder... while others are complete dicks that are turning people away before their second post. We were getting carried away with the hazing so we are putting a stop to it.


BTW, There will still be bashing, but the person has to deserve it. If they want to get on here talking about how cool they are, and how they are going to whoop us feel free to let em have it! If after a few posts (and being warned) they are still typin like dis n shyt + tellin all da kool peeples about thier krush velvet interior... have fun ;)


well this awnsers my questions lol.

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Cant you set a thread that HAS to be viewed after someone signs up and gets approved? I know a lot of other forums have that.


Anthony is already working on it, just needs to find the time to install the mod for it.


And also, at the top of that thread, you may want to write in big letters to "Keep reading the entire thread, it doesn't end after the first post", which I almost did, thinking it was a usual sticky with only one post in it.



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As far as new members go, some of you may want to remember that you don't have to be a dick to figure out if someone else is a dick. It just doesn't make any sense. :confused: At the same time, I'm afraid if those of you who fall into this category don't have CR to vent your lack of self-confidence and self-loathing, you may take it out by kicking your pets or mixing your poor, old grandmother's meds. :D
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We shouldn't ban people from bashing noobs, but more like the people who suck at it. One of them already posted in this thread. No creativity these days.


Me and Brian used to kill shit. At least throw in some custom Photoshops you lazy bastards.

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We shouldn't ban people from bashing noobs, but more like the people who suck at it. One of them already posted in this thread. No creativity these days.


Me and Brian used to kill shit. At least throw in some custom Photoshops you lazy bastards.



LOL ... remember this ...





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