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Wife Changes Status to Single. Man Kills Wife.


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You know when there are Facebook-initiated domestic homicides... the coming apocalypse can't be far.


I wonder how his FB home page read; "Your Wife has changed her status to SINGLE. PWND!"



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Guest 614Streets
That's what I'm sayin'. And it happened in the U.K. those people don't count.


I thought the british were safe when they shipped all the murders and thieves to that kangaroo infested island. Oh well.

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A few months ago, facebook F'd up and changed my status to single for no reason. It sent my gf an email that literally said "Jerry has ended his relationship with you." Pretty funny to me. She was slightly worried when she got the email. This murder thing would be even funnier if it was just a facebook glitch that changed her status.
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A few months ago, facebook F'd up and changed my status to single for no reason. It sent my gf an email that literally said "Jerry has ended his relationship with you." Pretty funny to me. She was slightly worried when she got the email. This murder thing would be even funnier if it was just a facebook glitch that changed her status.


would be epic lols.

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