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Alex L.

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Sorry to hear about that, Stretch. Time to get excited about trying out a new honey! Do it now, cuz when you're my age, it's stops being exciting and starts just being scary and stressful. Women are crazy. :D


Yeah man, I'll be looking for another one pretty soon. I'm starting to realize that they are all crazy.

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21 is the limit. they have to be able to buy me beers :cool:


just putting truth to the phrase that with a little goose girls get loose...


or patron makes the panties drop...

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I think I want to be with a woman of a different ethnicity' date='just for learning purposes.[/quote']


I recommend it. I think I've been with at least one of everything. lol I've probably dated more minorities, though, that has evened out quite a bit the last few years.

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