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UFC: Did GSP's corner cheat to give him an edge?


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Anybody see this story? I didn't even notice that they were rubbing vaseline on him in between rounds. I wonder if it will be enough to affect the outcome of the fight.




All in all, I still think GSP dominated Penn the entire fight...

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The thing is they were not greasing him down. They applied the Vaseline to his face then what little was on his hands after this could have been on his shoulder and a small spot on his back where he ritually has them rub in a circular motion. Once someone noticed the commission did wipe him down before going out each round after that. I do see his corner man being either suspended or stripped of his license. You cant make that kind of mistake at that stage
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Wow, I hope that's not the case. I really like both fighters and even during the bout found myself rooting for both. I've always thought allowing vaseline or the like at all would lead to shit like this. (I do know what it's supposed to be used for.)
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Guest tbutera2112
in the article it says they wiped him down before each round, so the vaseline wouldnt have made a difference in the fight...still sucks that they would try and get away with that though
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Here is video of the fight, look at 9:21 to see the first incident. You can tell that it is not intentional to gain an edge in the fight. If you go forward to between rounds you see the officials wiping him down. Dana White said that this in no way had an impact on the fight whatsoever.



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after re-watching the fight, the amount amount of Vaseline left on his hand was insanely minuscule. and you could tell he wasn't trying to grease his back, just showing him some Canadian Gay Love....lol (did you see how they celebrated after the win!?)

and not to mention, that after the 1st break, (between 1 and 2) the commission was out there every time, flipping out and wiping his back down before they would let him go out to the center, so i doubt that there was ANY left on him at all

GSP just dominated BJ, it wasn't that BJ wasn't ready, GSP just made him LOOK that bad!

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after re-watching the fight, the amount amount of Vaseline left on his hand was insanely minuscule. and you could tell he wasn't trying to grease his back, just showing him some Canadian Gay Love....lol (did you see how they celebrated after the win!?)

and not to mention, that after the 1st break, (between 1 and 2) the commission was out there every time, flipping out and wiping his back down before they would let him go out to the center, so i doubt that there was ANY left on him at all

GSP just dominated BJ, it wasn't that BJ wasn't ready, GSP just made him LOOK that bad!



That is what I was thinking and add to the fact that Penn is not even at the same level of GSP and it does not make a difference. This is a classic case of people trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill because the fight was not as good as they hoped.

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