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Google Earth

Venture Guy

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Im sure most of you are experts on google earth who read this. I rented a house right by the beach in charleston SC and wanted to check it out and found the panorama mode on google earth. I found this rather cool to check out places before you visit. For those who dont know... Click "gallery" button and there will be little cameras that pop up and just click them when you zoom into a road or area.



House online: http://dunes.vrmreservations.com/vrmgr/rental/PropertyDisplay.aspx?PropertyId=105&WebCode=all&ReturnPath=/external_dropdown.asp


Google Earth:







Anyone else have any other cool shit on here i can explore?

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I used Google Earth the other day for work and was quite proud of myself. I work for the Columbus Dispatch and I had to map some of our outdoor newspaper racks so we could re-route them. Well the addresses that I had said “Rack at corner of _____ st & _____ st”, but in order to map them for routing I needed to know what corner NW, SE, etc.. Everyone thought it was going to be a week long job trying to figure out what corner the racks were on saying that I'd probably have to drive all the routes to find out and that it was going to put this behind schedule yadda yadda man this sucks. So I got to thinking if only there was a way to see all the street corners without having to drive there. Then it hit me, I pulled up Google earth, typed in the intersection went to street view and BAM!!! you could see the rack perfectly, down to the Dispatch logo. It took me about an hour to locate 100 some racks, it was great. I went back to our routing guy laid the info on his desk and when I told him how I did it he about crapped his pants! I have to admit technology is fucking awesome!
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I did the same thing when scoping out places for our vacation last year. It is a cool thing.


Anyone else have any other cool shit on here i can explore?


You can see me working on my deck in the photo of our house :) but don't be checking out my ass :p

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