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The creation of a Gearhead

Tim Davis

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There was a post a couple of weeks ago talking about how/if our kids share our interest in cars/motorsports so I thought I would share some pics of my son and his love for anything with a motor.


I have tried to keep him involved in just about anything I do in the garage, here's a few examples:


His fascination with driving started with his first PowerWheels Bug followed by a Lightening McQueen and Gravedigger PowerWheels.




Him 'helping' with the suspension installation on Aesthetic Influx's Z




The boy absolutely loves tools





His first ride in the Z once he was old enough for a booster seat




Helping clean the Z, one of his favorite things to do




Then the real fun began




And he got to ride his KTM Mini Adventure for the first time today


All suited up and ready to go




We'll get rid of the training wheels quickly once he get's a bit of seat time




I think he likes it




The smile says it all



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You're raising him the right way; turbo cars and motorized toys. :)


Looks like a cool kid, cherish these moments with him and make sure you always keep him into cars.


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