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SC wants to outlaw swearing???


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What..... the...... fuck........


By Larry Collins


Published: January 13, 2009

State Senator Robert Ford is hoping to outlaw lewd language and is pushing for a bill that would prohibit profanity.

Under the pre-filed bill, profanity could land you in jail for up to 5 years and/or cost you up to $5,000 in fines.

Which words are exactly considered profane is still unclear, but the bill does have a list of qualifications for profanity including words or actions that are lewd, vulgar or indecent in nature.

We spoke to Debra Gammons with the Charleston School of Law about freedom of speech.

She reminds that the First Amendment is not absolute. You cannot say whatever you want whenever you want to.

Courts will usually look at where the words were said and who heard them. Children are usually protected.

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It's to bad that they have to make a law to try and stop the filthy language in public. I wonder if these people, setting around their dinner table with their children, wife, grandmother, mother, sister boss etc. talk this way and if not why is it ok to speak it in public around someone elses family? I can understand a swear word every once in a while but not every other word.

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She reminds that the First Amendment is not absolute

UMMM yes it is, and there is no reason for that law other than to STEAL MONEY from citizens in FINES and COURT COST. Which is exactly what they are gunning for. The government is supposed to be BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE. Sounds like they are SCREWING THE PEOPLE to steal their money.

This goes back to the days of KINGS, where if you said anything bad about the king they would behead you, except now the goverment wants to take your money if you say ANYTHING bad at all.

We might as well move to communist china, cause the way this country is heading we would have more freedoms over there in 10 years.

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(he's a democrat... shhhhhhh....)

I'm nether, democrats want to give my paycheck to everyone on crack living in the streets, so they can spend it on more crack, and republicans want to bail out the crooks on wall street and give all the big companies my tax dollars, I hate both of them.

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