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SC wants to outlaw swearing???


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wait, why? i'm confused....

It's a near-legendary George Carlin skit. Saying it's a Blink song is like seeing a picture of the storming of Normandy and going "Hey, isn't that a scene in Saving Private Ryan?"

As Winston Churchill once said: "Study history. Study history." ;)


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It's a near-legendary George Carlin skit. Saying it's a Blink song is like seeing a picture of the storming of Normandy and going "Hey, isn't that a scene in Saving Private Ryan?"

As Winston Churchill once said: "Study history. Study history." ;)

:nono: Man, I'm embaressed... never saw this before. ... although I wasn't born for 7 years after this video was made, so I dont' feel that bad.

haha, thanks for the education!

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:nono: Man, I'm embaressed... never saw this before. ... although I wasn't born for 7 years after this video was made, so I dont' feel that bad.

haha, thanks for the education!

I remember the skit, but Blink did it as a break between songs on their live album. I think the name was "Take off your pant and jacket". Which made me think of something kind of funny on that album. They have a shitload of tracks of them saying things between songs and one was "you can leave now and beat the traffic, or you can stay and beat your meat".

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It's to bad that they have to make a law to try and stop the filthy language in public. I wonder if these people, setting around their dinner table with their children, wife, grandmother, mother, sister boss etc. talk this way and if not why is it ok to speak it in public around someone elses family? I can understand a swear word every once in a while but not every other word.

Exactly. I have an acquaintence that honestly curses more than any person I have ever met in my entire life. And I grew up in a household where my momma had a mouth like a sailor. In one sentence he has to use the "F" word at least twice. He even tells me that his own family complains about how much he curses when I bring up up yet again. I have friends that curse and that's their perrogative but the also know how to articulate themselves in a manner that is not offensive to others when we are in public. I do have to admit that I attempt every day NOT to curse but my road rage gets me ever time and that darn f bomb seems to come out! I hate it but at least i'm usually alone. ;)

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isn't that an old blink song?
I remember the skit, but Blink did it as a break between songs on their live album. I think the name was "Take off your pant and jacket". Which made me think of something kind of funny on that album. They have a shitload of tracks of them saying things between songs and one was "you can leave now and beat the traffic, or you can stay and beat your meat".

it's track#4 on their CD "take of your pants and jacket".

their live album was funny as shit too...that's how they used to perform at concerts too :funnyshit:

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  • 1 month later...

I'm guessing the plan would be to issue far more $5000 fines than terms in jail, since it COSTS them money to house you... but fuck that fucking fuck. I wouldn't pay a dime and they would have to imprison me. If enough people refused to pay, the jails would be EVEN MORE over crowded and then what are they gonna do? Lol. Fucking dumb fucking fucker. lol

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My mother wants to move to S. Carolina in three years and she wants her closest family to go with her, which includes me. Someday, perhaps next year I will ride down there and see how the land lays. A part of my life was lived in the Charleston area but I'd like to go back since I'm all grown up. Well, I'm lying about the grown up part...

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I am as bad or worse than most when it comes to profanity..

I try to avoid it in public or around my kids, but I dont know what ever happened to the whole free speech thing. or was that just a suggestion???

Unfortunately I have to go to south carolina in a few weeks to pick my kid up from basic training at fort Jackson, wonder how much profanity I can fit into 4 days LOL

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I guess people with Tourette's are fucked...

Did anyone else notice this?

A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

What a joke.

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Will someone in the government please do the right thing and beat this asshat to death, publicly, with a rolled up copy of the Constitution? WTF is wrong with people...

Impeachment followed by execution is the only acceptable response to this sort of suggestion by a politician. Apparently history and common sense is not sufficient and immediate examples must be made for the multitudes of sheep.


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