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16 illegals sue Arizona rancher


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This is a fucking joke is this seriously how big of pussies we have become.


It can go to trial that is fine. But if a jury of his peers convicts him then our country fell apart.


If someone shits on your property then wipes with toilet paper you should have the right to hold them at gun point until the cops come. Srsy

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A friend of mine is a prosecutor for Delaware county. I was discussing this with him and he said the illegals have a solid case against the rancher. It was quite unsettling. :mad:


That makes no sense since they have limited rights being Illegals in the USA. They have a right to sue someone but if they win then it was a setup jury. Seriously if the rancher loses then I lost all my respect in the court system.

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That makes no sense since they have limited rights being Illegals in the USA. They have a right to sue someone but if they win then it was a setup jury. Seriously if the rancher loses then I lost all my respect in the court system.


If the rancher loses it will set a precedent that will even bigger issues down the road.

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That makes no sense since they have limited rights being Illegals in the USA. They have a right to sue someone but if they win then it was a setup jury. Seriously if the rancher loses then I lost all my respect in the court system.


You should have lost it a long time ago. Welcome to America, where you're not as free as you thought.

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At least they didn't find him guilty on all the charges, but damn. "Hey, thanks for protecting our borders, but you have to pay them $77k for mental distress". The motherfuckers should be treated as war criminals. They are illegally entering our country. Shoot them.


I'm ashamed to live in this country sometimes.

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At least they didn't find him guilty on all the charges, but damn. "Hey, thanks for protecting our borders, but you have to pay them $77k for mental distress". The motherfuckers should be treated as war criminals. They are illegally entering our country. Shoot them.


I'm ashamed to live in this country sometimes.


He better appeal and get the fines dropped.

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Since I like to play Devil's Advocate so much...


I read this article this morning. I know how much people ignore the things that do not match their perceived rights of justice so I'd like to point out that this gentleman's acts have lead to him and his family accosting those who are legally allowed to be here. I'm betting it doesn't matter to him. He's been sued before and lost, as well. From the other stories I've heard/read, it seems he is a bit exuberant in his dealings of perceived illegal aliens, too. They're still people, who deserved to be treated as such, plus he's been proven wrong before. Just because someone's skin is darker than yours doesn't mean they don't have the legal right to be here. I'm not saying the guy is always wrong or that he hasn't helped in some fashion, I just think his form a vigilante may've gotten a bit out of hand.

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