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Well since I've taken a bit of a break from racing while I looks/ save for a faster car. I've decided to take up a few other hobbies to fill the void. Hockey and Boxing. Last night was boxing. I went for 6, 2 minute rounds! Pretty tuff to do right...YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! So I get to the gym and my trainer Tim comes up to me and is like "You up to go a few rounds tonight" So I say "sure!" I look around the gym to see who's there. I see a couple high school looking kids who had some good form and thought that would be a decent match up, I’m bigger, but they have better knowledge of the sport and they were pretty good. Well I go to the locker room to get my hand wraps on, come out to the ring and see 3 heavy weights standing by it, my jaw drops! NO WAY. I’ve got to be honest, for a minute I thought WTF am I doing? Well, I’m not one to back down so I walk up to them and introduce myself. Here’s the breakdown…


Fighter- Chris aka Super_GTP

Heights- 5”10

Weight- 197lbs

Experience- 13 boxing lessons (about 6 weeks) and a number of school yard brawls.


Rounds 1 & 2

Fighter- T.J.

Height- 6”0

Weight- 240lbs (The guy was built like a tank)

Experience- 3 Yrs of amateur/ pro MMA fighting!!! <-- YES 3 YEARS of MMA fighting!!!!

Round Summary: This guy hit like a fucking shotgun blast. He caught me with a hook to the mid section and I almost thru up in the ring! I got to use some of my defensive strategies against him and stayed moving, He was pretty slow. I was able to use his MMA form of fighting against him (He stood very square to me which left a lot open). But I had to get in there, do my work and GTFO or I would have gotten blasted again… I survived


Rounds 3 & 4

Fighter- “D”

Height- 6”5- 6”6

Weight- 210lbs

Experience- 8 Yrs of boxing/kickboxing w/ a number armature fights.

Round Summary: “D” was pretty easy on me the 1st round. I got a few good combos in but had to work the body since he was so tall. Second round he came at me with speed, and a lot of it. He’d work my body for a few then go to the head so fast. I had to really work on my movement and not stand still but you get sooo tired trying to move and punch. I felt a bit better after that round because I gained a little confidence….Which would soon get destroyed.


Round 5 & 6

Fighter- John Jr. or “Little John” NOT lil John.

Height- 6”5

Weight- 245lbs

Experience- John, recently won the tuff man competition in Ohio and is training for the mid west finals. The tuff man competition if you don’t know is basically bar fighters, here’s an example clip (skip to: 45 seconds in)

. John is the Son/ Nephew of the owners of the gym and has been training for about a year.

Round Summary: We started off kind of light I tried throwing to the body then upstairs. I got a little too close and got handed a damn good upper cut to the side of my head. I didn’t back down though, my strategy was to stay in close and keep the pressure on. I didn’t however realize that’s what he liked to do too. I was so exhausted at the last 30 second mark that I couldn’t keep going. That’s when he had his way with me. Hard body shots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then a few right to the chin 1, 2. I was ducking and blocking my ass off but I was soo tired that most of them I couldn’t really block. That last 30 seconds felt longer the first 90. I leaned against him to set up something that I thought was slick. I learned that if you can shove the guy off you, then you can immediately throw a right (which I have a very good one) to their head. I forgot that this has to be done very quickly and given my conditioning…well….it wasn’t. I also learned the down side to that move. I shove him back and go to throw the right and he had to of seen it a mile away. He slapped that crap down, stepped right to me and handed me a right hook of his own…. I was done, my ear was ringing. I stayed back for a few and got saved by the bell.


I'm sure most don't care about me getting my ass kicked it's a really good time. I didnt think I was the type of person to do shit like this and get the ring with guys like that but it's not at all what I thought it would be like.

All and all though I think I faired well. This was my first al out sparing/ boxing match I was able to keep my cool, I kept with it despite taking a few good shots an getting my ass kicked, I was able to implement some of the moves I learned and I didn’t get KO’d. I’m looking forward to going back again Wednesday! Give me another few months and I think I'm going to try and get back in the ring with those 3 again.

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