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Jeremy Lusk Dies in Costa Rica


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SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP)—Jeremy Lusk, an American freestyle motocross racer, died of head injuries two days after crashing while trying to land a backflip in competition. He was 24.


He had surgery in Calderon Hospital in San Jose to relieve swelling on his brain, but his condition worsened and he died Monday night, Metal Mulisha, his riding group, said Tuesday.


Lusk won a gold medal at the 2008 X Games. He was injured Saturday night when he failed to complete a full rotation while attempting a Hart Attack backflip and slammed headfirst into the dirt. Lusk crashed in almost identical fashion in the freestyle semifinals at the 2007 X Games but was not hurt.


He had a successful 2008 season, winning Freestyle gold at the X Games and silver in Best Trick when he landed the first double-grab Hart Attack backflip. He won a bronze helmet in Freestyle at the Moto X World Championships in his hometown of San Diego.


Lusk, who lived in Temecula, Calif., is survived by his wife, Lauren.



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My god, that was horrible. Normally, I would praise EMT and emergency peoples for their efforts, but that was AWFUL. I would think it'd be obvious to not remove his helmet after a crash like that and to top it off, they run with him on the stretcher, bouncing his limbs around like crazy.
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