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code reader FS.......


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well list price is $159.99 and i paid $150.00 for it brand new so i was just trying to get what i got in it out but the price is OBO but i forgot to put it on there so i am sorry for that.



But ill take $100OBO for it.





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100 obo for something you can buy new for 70?

wow man just fucking wow.

it dont matter what you paid for it, its worth what its worth

id offer you 35-40 for but i dont think you would take it

and did you notice list price is crossed out?

what year is this one updated to? or do you even really know?


remember this?



and im not bitting my lip no more on it


i wouldnt buy a damn thing off you after the last fucking i got on the other scantool.

which you told me the cable was $20 that it needed. which i found out otherwise. and it was missing more then just a cable. i guess thats the shit i get for buyying it without looking at it first, but i took your word on it.you never used it, so whos to say if it even works. even tho your step dad is the one that took care of most of that transaction for you.


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