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Cops......still at it.


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I was going to say big deal to the first set of punches, but that last one he gave him seemed to be just for fun and therefore not cool.

But seriously if the guy was resisting arrest, they either whoop his ass or use a taser. But what happens if the guy dies from using a taser because he's a sick, old, homeless man, then the cop is in more trouble.

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Maybe it was because he was being punched, he resisted. Look, it doesn't matter how you fuckin package shit, it's still bullshit. If you AND a partner can't subdue a fuckin homeless person without repeatedly punching them in the face, you don't deserve the fuckin job. If I, by myself, can restrain people without beating them at a club or on the job (I've worked as a security guard, bouncer, bodyguard, and part of a bounty hunting team - Note: None of those things are as glorious as tv would have you believe:(), then why can't two police officers.


Besides, it's obvious the guy is subdued already. The only things he's doing is possibly being a pain in the ass by not putting his arm behind his back at this point. Whatever happened before is irrelevant, now.

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by myself, can restrain people without beating them at a club or on the job (I've worked as a security guard, bouncer, bodyguard, and part of a bounty hunting team - Note: None of those things are as glorious as tv would have you believe:(), then why can't two police officers.




The only comment I have for that one is... Liability.

All of those listed professions above have NO worries what so ever of being sued and something ever coming of it.

In this profession if you lay your hands on just 1 person the wrong way youll be sued. Ive had to experience this first hand unfortunately. Surely they could have broke his arm or started kneeing him in the side or something else crazy to get him cuffed, but they were doing it the CORRECT way they were taught how to do things. The CORRECT way to avoid someone being hurt.

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The only comment I have for that one is... Liability.

All of those listed professions above have NO worries what so ever of being sued and something ever coming of it.

In this profession if you lay your hands on just 1 person the wrong way youll be sued. Ive had to experience this first hand unfortunately. Surely they could have broke his arm or started kneeing him in the side or something else crazy to get him cuffed, but they were doing it the CORRECT way they were taught how to do things. The CORRECT way to avoid someone being hurt.

puching that guy in the face regardless it wrong... the other guy already had the bum's hands controlled.... they didn't need to knee or anything else....

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The only comment I have for that one is... Liability.

All of those listed professions above have NO worries what so ever of being sued and something ever coming of it.

In this profession if you lay your hands on just 1 person the wrong way youll be sued. Ive had to experience this first hand unfortunately. Surely they could have broke his arm or started kneeing him in the side or something else crazy to get him cuffed, but they were doing it the CORRECT way they were taught how to do things. The CORRECT way to avoid someone being hurt.



Edit: You said punching was wrong...



Look, I can't pretend that I know what police have to go through dealing with potentially dangerous idiots on a regular basis. But at the same time they should know when enough is enough. How many videos have we seen on CR alone that show police using excessive force? I know personally if some idiot made me chase him down, then tried punching me after he broke the law, I’d want/ probably try and beat his fucking ass! But that’s why I’m not a cop and have no desire to become one. We don’t know what happened 8 minutes before, but regardless, look at what you do know happened and tell me that it was necessary to punch the guy in the face like that? Sure it looked like he was being a pain in the ass, but where is the responsibility of the police to exercise control?


I feel that with greater power comes greater responsibility and that police need to be held to higher standards while on the job. What other job can you have where you can beat someone’s ass for what ever reason you feel is “necessary” at the time and get a paid vacation while other officers look into it? Again, I understand that they have to deal with all types of people, but that’s part of the job. Something they opted to do on their own. We shouldn’t excuse them from doing wrong because of their carrier choice.

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Maybe it was because he was being punched, he resisted. Look, it doesn't matter how you fuckin package shit, it's still bullshit. If you AND a partner can't subdue a fuckin homeless person without repeatedly punching them in the face, you don't deserve the fuckin job. If I, by myself, can restrain people without beating them at a club or on the job (I've worked as a security guard, bouncer, bodyguard, and part of a bounty hunting team - Note: None of those things are as glorious as tv would have you believe:(), then why can't two police officers.


Besides, it's obvious the guy is subdued already. The only things he's doing is possibly being a pain in the ass by not putting his arm behind his back at this point. Whatever happened before is irrelevant, now.


1. punching the guy in the face is not the best idea agreed


2. I am 300lbs and lift 3 days a week, i have fought crazy homeless people who i alone could probably not subdue who have been smaller than that. Until you fight someone with crazy strength who can tap into adrenaline at will don't think you could of subdued them alone or with one other person.


3. As far as a taser who knows if they had one and with a large winter coat it might not make it through to be affective.


4. Lastly someone is not subdued or under control until the handcuffs are on.

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Punching (within reason) until you have someone that is resisiting arrest subdued is barbaric, but not out of line. The first 8 minutes do actually make a difference with the first set of punches. It will determine what happened that made the officers feel they had to stop him from resisting arrest the way they did. Its the last punch thats probably going to get the officer in a lot of trouble.
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Maybe it was because he was being punched, he resisted. Look, it doesn't matter how you fuckin package shit, it's still bullshit. If you AND a partner can't subdue a fuckin homeless person without repeatedly punching them in the face, you don't deserve the fuckin job. If I, by myself, can restrain people without beating them at a club or on the job (I've worked as a security guard, bouncer, bodyguard, and part of a bounty hunting team - Note: None of those things are as glorious as tv would have you believe:(), then why can't two police officers.


Besides, it's obvious the guy is subdued already. The only things he's doing is possibly being a pain in the ass by not putting his arm behind his back at this point. Whatever happened before is irrelevant, now.


Until you go out and deal with homeless people or mentally ill people on a regular basis you have no room to talk. I deal with them every day. Most homeless people are mentally ill and are violent, they will turn on you in a minute thats why they are homeless. Until you have experienced a person go from nice to full meltdown and attack you with incredible strength its scary. I have been there and it can be a fight for your life.


Now that being said, the suspect was not under arrest until he was in handcuffs. He was resisting by not putting his hands behind his back when told to do so. The first 8 minutes before the tape turned are crucial it will tell the strory of what led up to the situation at hand. The punch to the face is acceptable in certain situations. However as some already said that last punch might be the one that does the officer in.


Also these officers might already have dealt with him before and known that he is prone to be violent as stated in the reoprt at the end he had already attacked a police officer before striking him over the head with a flashlight.

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Until you go out and deal with homeless people or mentally ill people on a regular basis you have no room to talk. I deal with them every day. Most homeless people are mentally ill and are violent, they will turn on you in a minute thats why they are homeless. Until you have experienced a person go from nice to full meltdown and attack you with incredible strength its scary. I have been there and it can be a fight for your life.


Now that being said, the suspect was not under arrest until he was in handcuffs. He was resisting by not putting his hands behind his back when told to do so. The first 8 minutes before the tape turned are crucial it will tell the strory of what led up to the situation at hand. The punch to the face is acceptable in certain situations. However as some already said that last punch might be the one that does the officer in.


Also these officers might already have dealt with him before and known that he is prone to be violent as stated in the reoprt at the end he had already attacked a police officer before striking him over the head with a flashlight.


So if you know someone will cause problems can't you tase them to get them to comply? Why beat them with hands or flashlights or whatever?

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This is why i can never, and will never be a cop... In my eyes, if you do not comply with a reasonable command because you don t feel like it, or resist arrest, you should be given a reason to never want to do that again. Im not saying that anyone should be beaten while restrained, but until you've done what was asked of you, youre getting a lesson on why you should've listened the first time.
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