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Cops......still at it.


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he was a 54 year old homeless dude....


personally i really dont see anything wrong minus the fact that last hit... and realistically dont cops have mace for a reason? he didnt have a weapon in his hand as far as i could see...


i still think its sad two young cops couldn't subdue a 54 year old homeless guy who already was face down without punching him repeatedly in the head..


and people wonder why no matter what i am being stopped for my lawyer is on the phone.

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Every LEO should have one. Trade in your night stick for one. A mag light is close enough to being a night stick.


If only we cold get the the city to buy enough for every officer to have however the city does not have enough money to buy us proper equipment right now. Most of us have them when working however they are not %100 gaurenteed to work every time. They do work well and may have been useful in this situation but we will never know. I wish every situation was easy and I always knew what I was walking into however that would be wishfull thinking.

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4. Lastly someone is not subdued or under control until the handcuffs are on.


Amen. That guy could have been high as a kite. Problem is we don't know if the guy just spit on them, took a swing right before the video started, etc. Does anything justify punching the guy? Maybe not. Cops are human also. Imagine what you would do with adrenaline pumping and someone spit on you (or 1000 other things that might have happened).


Or, the cop needs fired. We don't know.

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This is why i can never, and will never be a cop... In my eyes, if you do not comply with a reasonable command because you don t feel like it, or resist arrest, you should be given a reason to never want to do that again. Im not saying that anyone should be beaten while restrained, but until you've done what was asked of you, youre getting a lesson on why you should've listened the first time.


And... if this is how things were allowed to be, imagine how much less BS crime there may be?

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We as a society give police officers power, and expect in return to have that power used appropriately, and within reason. Sometimes that stretches as far having to subdue through force, punching, or even killing if necessary. Those that hold that power need to be held accountable if they abuse their position, though I firmly support the right of the officer to do whats nessesary to protect himself, or any other bystanders. Unfortunately in this case we don't know what happened before the excessive force occurred, but it was pretty clear to me at least one blow was completely unnecessary. Thats one too many.


I couldn't be a cop cause if someone spit on me or attacked me, I don't know if I could stop myself from going overboard. Thats the job, an officer of law should be more professional than you or I, and should be held to a higher degree of accountability. As should all of our county, state, and federal workers, from comptrollers to senators, when fuckery is detected, it needs removed. If a police officer can't control his temper, he shouldn't be a police officer. Just my .02.

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Well hopefully the mayor there supports his officers until the courts have done their job. Unlike Dinkins the old mayor for NYC who, the day after a cop shot some illegal immigrant, he was at the families home telling them how sorry he was and embarrassed of his own police force, handing the family all kinds of money, and it was all on the news. Its never a good idea to make all your cops not want to work for you
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