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Facebook Membership May Be Forever


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Once a Facebook member, always a member.

The Consumerist blog noticed Sunday that the social-networking giant had quietly made a change to its user Terms of Service (TOS) on Feb. 4.

Facebook now declares that it has a perpetual license to use anything you post to your own Facebook page — even if you terminate your account.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended the change as necessary in a blog posting Monday afternoon.






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Once a member, why wouldn't I no longer want to be a member??


Well, if it turns out to be like MySpace was, in the Land of Sucky Websites, you might want to. I deleted my MySpace page a few weeks ago because it sucked and was pointless. Facebook is far better... :nod:

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SO what happens if you post a picture that is already copyrighted but you have a release for your own distribution and facebook tries to use it. Can the original copyrighter come back and sue them because no release was given to facebook?
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If it ever comes to it, I'll just delete everything on my page, make everything private, turn off email notification for anything, change my name, and leave it. Let them try and share nothing.


What about the web archives ? You are finished, now they know everything !!! MWAAAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!

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