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WTB : Ak in okay shape


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He will be hard pressed to find a AMD-65 for $400 these days. I paid $450 for mine years ago and it was cheap then.


I haven't looked at parts kits in a while, but they used to be rather cheap. Assuming they haven't gone all Obama scare he could still probably build one for that amount. Ask him WTF he wants to buy one and rebuild it for anyway.

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  kenny said:
He will be hard pressed to find a AMD-65 for $400 these days. I paid $450 for mine years ago and it was cheap then.


I haven't looked at parts kits in a while, but they used to be rather cheap. Assuming they haven't gone all Obama scare he could still probably build one for that amount. Ask him WTF he wants to buy one and rebuild it for anyway.


I'll buy yours for $451.50.


LMK when we can meet up.



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  awda4 said:
aparently no one can read BRAND NEW AK47 AT FIN FEATHER AND FUR IN ASHLAND 399


I think people can read, I also think you're a fucking moron.


Good(ish) AKs seem to be going ~$500 plus now. Maybe check out impactguns.com I don't remember what they have right now though.

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  awda4 said:
aparently no one can read BRAND NEW AK47 AT FIN FEATHER AND FUR IN ASHLAND 399


My boss was just up there other day and made the comment that he could not believe that Ak's were selling for so much. I will give them a call tomorrow cause I think you are mistaken.




More realistic pricing for these guns.

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Goddamn really? Shit you better check out fin feather and fur in ashland, they sell brand new ones for $399! Even though everyone else is charging $600, they sell them for $399 motherfuckers! You better buy a fucking CRATE of those bitches at that price!
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lol sorry, we posted the same one from two differ sites. as i went back and checked the site stallion put up i noticed all pics were same.... guy used 2 differ names is looks like cause someone called him on that also.... must been a scamer or something... sorry if i wasted any of your time
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