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Gear review


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I want to give a big thanks to those that have offered advise and help in my gear choices. I have pretty much figured out what I want to get this year, but I'm still willing to take some minor suggestions or changes. My primary riding with be street/Hocking and 2-3 track days a year.

Alpinestars CR 1pc Suit

Scorpion EXO-700 (vs 400)

Alpinestars S-MX 5 WP Boots-Black

Alpinestars GP Plus Gloves

Knox Ricochet Back Protector??

Helmet I am between a solid black helmet and a new one that I have only found on kneedraggers.


I'm not sure if this is a new helmet or what the deal is, so if anyone has inside info, I'm all ears. Also, up for changes on the back protector. I'm trying not to break the bank on this, but want something that won't be trash in a year.

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as for the back protector, id wait to see what comes with the suit your buying. i know i had to get a better back protector since they one that came with my teknic suit was a dinky quarter back protector.

i then got a full length (to the tailbone) back protector for myself and like it a lot, at first uncomfortable but just like anything else it conforms to your body.

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Thanks for the info, I was planning on buying most of this from IP. The helmet, I just haven't seen anywhere else, which made me rather suspicious. If its a new for 09 helmet...fine, but I would have expected to find it on another site or somewhere(which I haven't). I'll take a look at the site and see if I can find anything on there I like.

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  SJC1000rr said:
Alpinestars CR 1pc Suit.

I think you were also looking at the RC-1 suit, as well. Two TOTALLY different suits. I'd prefer the RC-1 over the CR, but a few things. The RC-1 has external armor. I really hate that sue to if you crash, it's expensive to fix it if the armor is external. You are looking at a broad range on price, as well. $700-$1000 has a LOT of different suit options. I like AStar better than most other suit companies, but there are some better ones out there. Check out STG's site and review what they sell. They typically do a video for a lot of products and you can learn a ton about the different suits they sell.

  SJC1000rr said:
Scorpion EXO-700 (vs 400).

I think the one from Knee Draggers is a close out or discontinued 700 series. It isn't listed on any of the sites I found and certainly isn't in the new catalog released by Scorpion... I like the 700. For the money, it's a great helmet. I'd say if you are budget concious, it's the best choice...

  SJC1000rr said:
Alpinestars S-MX 5 WP Boots-Black

Personally, I only like AStar's top end boot. For the money, I think you're better off with the TCX boot. Spend $50 more and get a WAY better boot. I have been looking at three different boots. I have a contact inside Sidi and I still won't wear the new boots they offer. That cable deal is crap and breaks all the time... Pumas are cool, but they break components and they are hard to get parts. Heavy, too. The AStar SMX Plus is all I'd wear... The TCX boot line is really good. In your area of price you hint at, I'd spend the extra coin and get the Competizone S for $275. I'm probably going for the RS, myself...

  SJC1000rr said:
Alpinestars GP Plus Gloves

Knox Ricochet Back Protector??

Good glove. Not a whole lot of bad AStar gloves, at all. Stay away from JR gloves, and some others out there... I think it is all how they feel. I hate bulky gloves and AStar has some of the best gloves I have ever worn or tried on...

The back protector is something you need. Don't wait until you get your suit. Suit back protectors are minimal and usually, they have been cut from being supplied from some companies because they know a lot of track guys and racers wear seperate back protectors. I like the Knox Aegis, myself, but what can I say? I wear a dainese I got back in 2000!! I have a couple of others I have tried, but the Dainese fits me best...

I like Dainese because it is basic and uses plastic armor for protection. I'm not sold on honeycomb that can be damaged after one hit and needing replaced. AStar has some really good ones, as well...

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Oh, and these guys getting discounts? You can sign up and do the same thing they are. Basically, it isn't dealer cost or anything and if you befriend a buddy at a local shop, you can get a better discount than what these sites offer their "reps". They aren't reps in the true sense of the word and only get a discount based on the hope they refer people.

Do some leg work, get friends with some guys that know dealerships or actual industry reps and you can benefit better...

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  Lizard 1 said:
Oh, and these guys getting discounts? You can sign up and do the same thing they are. Basically, it isn't dealer cost or anything and if you befriend a buddy at a local shop, you can get a better discount than what these sites offer their "reps". They aren't reps in the true sense of the word and only get a discount based on the hope they refer people.

Do some leg work, get friends with some guys that know dealerships or actual industry reps and you can benefit better...

Are you referring to me?

Have you tried out the aegis, ricochet, or contour? I need to pick up a bp for this season and was wondering what ur opinion is on those. they all seem to have good protection. do you suggestion wearing chest protectors too? advice is appreciated.thanks


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  exSRAaron said:

Have you tried out the aegis, ricochet, or contour? I need to pick up a bp for this season and was wondering what ur opinion is on those. they all seem to have good protection. do you suggestion wearing chest protectors too? advice is appreciated.thanks


Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC-INgZC8j8

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i've heard bohn is a ripoff of knox yet the quality is not as good... this was 2 years ago, not sure what the real deal is.

i have a teknic bp and i like it a lot, i can't even feel it. full protection neck to tailbone and shoulder blades are coverd as well. i got a knox cp this xmas and i like that because you can use it with virtually any bp so long as it has shoulder straps.

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  exSRAaron said:
Are you referring to me?

Have you tried out the aegis, ricochet, or contour? I need to pick up a bp for this season and was wondering what ur opinion is on those. they all seem to have good protection. do you suggestion wearing chest protectors too? advice is appreciated.thanks


Kinda. I know the sites ask to have people sign up as reps. Not really industry reps, but more like ambassadors. Not an issue and it's cool, but anyone can sign up...

Just was suggesting to him that he checks it out for himself and see what he can get out of it... Sounded like a good deal for regular guys.

As far as the BP, I really like the Aegis because it is so slim and feels like it isn't restricting. I prefer the old school Dainese like I said so, it's tough on the others that feel bulky - to me.

I suggest a chest protector, but like anything, it is preference. I wish I could find one that feels right to me. They make me feel too restricted...

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  Lizard 1 said:
Kinda. I know the sites ask to have people sign up as reps. Not really industry reps, but more like ambassadors. Not an issue and it's cool, but anyone can sign up...

Just was suggesting to him that he checks it out for himself and see what he can get out of it... Sounded like a good deal for regular guys.

As far as the BP, I really like the Aegis because it is so slim and feels like it isn't restricting. I prefer the old school Dainese like I said so, it's tough on the others that feel bulky - to me.

I suggest a chest protector, but like anything, it is preference. I wish I could find one that feels right to me. They make me feel too restricted...

Thats the main reason I asked about the bp too, i'm worried about getting one that feels very restrictive. thanks!

I'm really just trying to help fellow riders out, of course its not gonna be the best deals out there, but I think theyre better than paying full retail somewhere else like most ppl still do. I'm not any kind of Rep, I just enjoy being able to pass the opportunity to save money to friends and other people I ride with, hell even guys i havent rode with yet! I wish i had a hookup with dealers tho :(

Edited by exSRAaron
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Thanks for all the input from Liz/Aaron.

I went and got a EXO-700, A-Star GP Plus Gloves and A-Star S-MX R boot. I'm still kicking back between a lot of suit's. I really have no clue anymore on what I want/should be looking for. I didn't think about the external armor issue till you brought that up Liz, but that was a good point. That and if it rains, its going through the vents and onto me.(not that I want to get caught in the rain...but it may happen.) Anyways, I'm going to pay what I bought off today then wait a while and see what happens for 09 gear.

I talked to IP about the TCX boots and I was told that it would have to special order only and they were not going to carry them. I figured it was safer to get something I could switch/trade if they didn't fit right.

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  SJC1000rr said:
Thanks for all the input from Liz/Aaron.

I went and got a EXO-700, A-Star GP Plus Gloves and A-Star S-MX R boot. I'm still kicking back between a lot of suit's. I really have no clue anymore on what I want/should be looking for. I didn't think about the external armor issue till you brought that up Liz, but that was a good point. That and if it rains, its going through the vents and onto me.(not that I want to get caught in the rain...but it may happen.) Anyways, I'm going to pay what I bought off today then wait a while and see what happens for 09 gear.

I talked to IP about the TCX boots and I was told that it would have to special order only and they were not going to carry them. I figured it was safer to get something I could switch/trade if they didn't fit right.

Don't worry about the vents and rain. The shoulders may get wet, but not much more. Your feet and other areas will be more wet than the vented areas...

As for the boots and returning, STG allows returns as they guarantee fit. They have some great customer service, too. Basically, if you know what size you are in a certain boot, STG can cross reference what you'd be in the TCX.

You need to convince Nick and Justin to tell the ordering peeps to get TXC in...

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i broke this little plastic piece on my puma (I was abusing it badly... it would never have broken if i wasnt such a nub) and as soon as I emailed puma about buying a replacement piece, they sent me one no charge.

they didn't ask if it was in warranty or anything, they just asked for my address, what color, and voila, replacement piece.

that said, it was some small insignificant piece... if we're talking toe slider or soemthing, who knows how much those are.

thought i'd offer my input.

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  jbot said:
i broke this little plastic piece on my puma (I was abusing it badly... it would never have broken if i wasnt such a nub) and as soon as I emailed puma about buying a replacement piece, they sent me one no charge.

they didn't ask if it was in warranty or anything, they just asked for my address, what color, and voila, replacement piece.

that said, it was some small insignificant piece... if we're talking toe slider or soemthing, who knows how much those are.

thought i'd offer my input.

Pumas were on my list until a few guys told me they tend to break things and are somewhat fragile in a crash - parts-wise and not safety or protection-wise...

They are also somewhat heavy to me. Love the style and fit, though. I just thought the TCX was a little better feel, but I think it really comes down to preference and comfort for the rider. Pick what works best for you and you'll be better off.

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