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Guest Hal

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This will probably will result in a deleted thread, ban, or ironically another infraction...


The administration can suck my dick with these infractions. I'm not sorry, these things are the gayest fucking inventions on this board. Giving me an infraction only makes me more likely to revert back to my original asshole attitude.


I'm assuming I'll end up with either a temp ban or a permaban before I get to read any responses to this thread. In that case, oh well.


Now y'all can back to shooting your loads as you watch your membership numbers increase.

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Actually, attention whores would care if they got banned. I am trying to get banned and I fully expect all my posts will be deleted.


I'm glad you decided to post your pointless retard's opinion though. It gives me a chance to remember just how little I value you. I would probably laugh if a video came up on jj.am of you getting your retard ass run over by a fucking semi. I guess that's a little morbid but, I think it really tells how little I care about you as a person.

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I talk plenty of shit in person. I guess you'd have to have met me at any of the meets I've been to for the past 3-4 years. Congrats on figuring out how to string enough characters together to make a post.

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I talk plenty of shit in person. I guess you'd have to have met me at any of the meets I've been to for the past 3-4 years. Congrats on figuring out how to string enough characters together to make a post.


I have met you in person, and you are bad fucking ass!

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The rep bar is worthless since you are not allowed to really rep someone more then once within the same day. It should be 1 rep allowed per post per person.


But I tell you what the gheyest thing is... leaving a rep comment. It should tell you who left what. Mr anonymous feedback is a bad idea. And I am tired of typing out my rep comments like this " Trowa says I hope you die F- "

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