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Obama after the Assualt Weapons Ban Already.


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If that cheap ammo is wolf Ide rather pee on it!



I'm wishing hell breaks loose and I have like 2000 Wolf rounds in mags in you bums run out of your prissy brass shit. I'd like to hear you crying for me to toss you a mag of Wolf, so you can take out the zombies. I'd say "fuck you, grab brass and go reload"

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I have like 3 local gun stores, all have stacks of 30 and 20 rd ar mags and ak mags at the the 15-30 dollar range. and I just picked up 500 rd cases of .223 for $125 and $135. And that is local stuff, not mail order. over the summer 500rd boxs of .223 was around $175 here.


Brand? Location?

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A do wha?






Reid joins Pelosi in opposing ban revival

By J. Taylor Rushing

Posted: 02/26/09 10:17 PM [ET]

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will join House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in opposing any effort to revive the 1994 assault-weapons ban, putting them on the opposite side of the Obama administration.


Reid spokesman Jim Manley said the Nevada Democrat will preserve his traditional pro-gun rights voting record.


"Sen. Reid would oppose an effort [to] reinstate the ban if the Senate were to vote on it in the future," Manley told The Hill in an e-mail late Thursday night.


It was not immediately clear whether Reid would block the bill from the Senate, but his opposition casts serious doubt on its chances. Also, Manley noted that Reid voted against the ban in 1994 and again when it expired in 2004.


Reid's stance joins him with Pelosi, who told reporters Thursday that the administration had not checked with her before Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters the administration would attempt to reinstate the ban. Pelosi gave a flat “no” when asked if she had spoken to Holder or any other administration officials about the issue.


“On that score, I think we need to enforce the laws we have right now,” Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. “I think it's clear the Bush administration didn’t do that.”


Outside of the dig at the recent Republican president, that phrase is the stock line of those who don’t want to pass new gun control laws, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA).


Holder said during a press conference Wednesday in Phoenix that Obama had made reinstating the ban one of his campaign promises.


"There are obviously a number of things that are — that have been taking up a substantial amount of his time, and so I’m not sure exactly what the sequencing will be," Holder said. "It is something, however, that we still think would be an appropriate thing to do."


The news caught Capitol Hill by surprise, immediately pitting Democrats and Republicans against each other and even exposing deep divides among Democrats. A number of House Democrats lost their seats after being targeted by the NRA for voting for the 1994 ban.

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I'm deeply suspicious. I don't trust those people. There's always the off chance though that they are just flat out scared of losing their seats for it.


I think this is the case. With the amount of seats lost because of 1994 + the recent Heller case, I don't think they want to even begin to touch this issue.

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I'm going to get crap for asking this, but why would a private citizen need an assult rifle? I'm looking for valid reasoning other than it's your constitutional right.


I'm wondering why you feel the need to open your cock sucker in a thread you have no common knowledge on? I mean, aren't there some other forums you could go troll on, like women's fashion, or which butt plug fits your asshole perfectly? I'm looking for a valid reason, why you deem it necessary to put your 2 cents where it don't belong. They're only "assault rifles" if you assault someone.

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forgive me, but I am having too hard of a time figuring out why the gun is able to eject a brass case any better than a steel case. I dont get it...I dont....the weights the same...the diameter is the same..the size is the same. Sorry....i dont get it. Yeah, I get the steel may over time destroy the bolt, but other than that....."dirty ammo"...now stuck...argh! Im lost.
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forgive me, but I am having too hard of a time figuring out why the gun is able to eject a brass case any better than a steel case. I dont get it...I dont....the weights the same...the diameter is the same..the size is the same. Sorry....i dont get it. Yeah, I get the steel may over time destroy the bolt, but other than that....."dirty ammo"...now stuck...argh! Im lost.


Brass is more malleable than steel, therefore when the extractor grabs it, any imperfections will be more likely to mold to the extractor with brass vs steel.

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forgive me, but I am having too hard of a time figuring out why the gun is able to eject a brass case any better than a steel case. I dont get it...I dont....the weights the same...the diameter is the same..the size is the same. Sorry....i dont get it. Yeah, I get the steel may over time destroy the bolt, but other than that....."dirty ammo"...now stuck...argh! Im lost.


What LJ just said and the fact that wolf is laquered, that shit melts than make the case stick the barrel. Thus making the extractor springs work twice as hard, then weaken, then break.

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Brass is more malleable than steel, therefore when the extractor grabs it, any imperfections will be more likely to mold to the extractor with brass vs steel.


What LJ just said and the fact that wolf is laquered, that shit melts than make the case stick the barrel. Thus making the extractor springs work twice as hard, then weaken, then break.



Pretty much. The Steel Cases will wear the chamber over time as well. The Brass is softer, so it take the abuse when it is used. Not always the case with Wolf.




PS - Anyone else check out Cope's Distrubiting for ammo?

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2012 can't come fast enough.


You better be running for President in 2012. Lower ammo prices and no bans! Plus make it in every state you can shoot a trespasser on your property legally. Federal law not state law :D:D

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