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1. What a coincidence that the more leftist news agencies have been raising hell about Rush the past few days, and all of a sudden you jump-wagon too. For one, I don't listen to him on the radio or read his columns. He is just one of many voices that associate themselves with the broken republican party and you're trying to squeeze some sort of negativity out of him.


2. Is that a serious response about "At least Obama is trying."? That's the same fucking thing the Bush-supporters said at the end of his term, yet you liberalites did not hold back with your unwarranted and uneducated bashing. When you're president, "trying" is not enough. Presidents that try and fail at what they were elected to do should be ousted, or at the very least, CHANGE the direction they've chosen.


you can ask my wife or anyone who knows me. I HATE let me repeat I HATE rush. I always have. Hyporcrit ass drug usin pill popper. I really do hate hate him. With a passion.


and #2. He's been in office how many days? What where you especting Sara pallin to come in Pray to her witch doctor and magicly the world gets better? Its going to take time . We did not get in this mess over night nor will we get out of it.

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And expecting the new administration to provide INSTANT "CHANGE" is... what?






Naive. But Obama ran on "HOPE", yet all I see is financial fear mongering from his administration (not to say that the last administration didn't do it)

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Naive. But Obama ran on "HOPE", yet all I see is financial fear mongering from his administration (not to say that the last administration didn't do it)



I do not disagree. I will, however, say that I am getting overly tired of folks saying "Where's my Hope and Change" or the like.


Give the current Administration 2 years, THEN start to say they have done nothing. A LOT of things HAVE already been done. Stem Cell Research for one. This has helped my Wife's field dramatically (Genetic Research). Many "little" things are already improving. But, all folks see is the War continuing, money being sent out of this country, and our Economy failing.


If in 2 years NOTHING is on an upswing, fine.... grill the man all you want, but at least give him some time to TRY.



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