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This sux!!

Jizzle Juice

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So i got pulled over last month for a improper display of front plate. Cop asked for insurance ok fine give it to him. Find out that my insurance was out so i get more ok fine but now im getting charged with driving without insurance plus the improper display of the plate!!! And so to sum it up after i get a court appearance i will get my license suspended for 3 months:mad::mad::mad: Im sooooo PISSED just needed to rant and rave thats all!
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improper display, or no plate at all?




You had to have known about the front plate. Gonna go out on a limb and say you knew you were without insurance as well, but I could be wrong.


And no didnt know i had the card gave it to him and everything. got notice 4 days after that i didnt so i got more insurance next day went ahead and got the sr22 cause i know im gonna need it now

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Guest tbutera2112
dude license suspensions suck.... ive been under suspension for longer than ive even been valid!!....ive had a valid license for 6 months total, and 15 months suspended haha.... i get it back in 15 days!!....ill hand my user title over to you "CR's non driving member"
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dude license suspensions suck.... ive been under suspension for longer than ive even been valid!!....ive had a valid license for 6 months total, and 15 months suspended haha.... i get it back in 15 days!!....ill hand my user title over to you "CR's non driving member"


F that!! i dont want it! i still can drive to work and stuff and im not suspended yet ima try and weasel my way out of it!

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Guest tbutera2112
F that!! i dont want it! i still can drive to work and stuff and im not suspended yet ima try and weasel my way out of it!


if you show that you got insurance the day after the letter or whatever, you may be able to make the judge feel sorry for you...and if you mount your plate right, or atleast temporarily mount it right, it will go over better in court as well

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if you show that you got insurance the day after the letter or whatever, you may be able to make the judge feel sorry for you...and if you mount your plate right, or atleast temporarily mount it right, it will go over better in court as well


Thats what i plan on doing cause the second i knew i didnt have it i got the insurance asap!

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Were you dropped by your insurance carrier mid term?


If you presented a valid, up to date insurance card at the time of being pulled over and hadn't been notified by your carrier you were dropped then you may be able to present that in court to justify your position. Sounds like bad timing if that was really the case.

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I've never once been with out insurance. It serves you right . Some bitch backed into my wifes car and she had no insurance. So I have 0 sympathy for you.


If you can't afford to pay your insurance you should not be driving.

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Guest tbutera2112
I've never once been with out insurance. It serves you right . Some bitch backed into my wifes car and she had no insurance. So I have 0 sympathy for you.


If you can't afford to pay your insurance you should not be driving.



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I have never been late on insurance bills. I use quicken to list my monthly or quarterly bills so I always known what has been paid, cleared, and reconciled. If you pay bills I suggest you use quicken or Microsoft money so this doesn't happen again.
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I've never once been with out insurance. It serves you right . Some bitch backed into my wifes car and she had no insurance. So I have 0 sympathy for you.


If you can't afford to pay your insurance you should not be driving.


Obviously he did it on purpose.. :gtfo:

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I've never once been with out insurance. It serves you right . Some bitch backed into my wifes car and she had no insurance. So I have 0 sympathy for you.


If you can't afford to pay your insurance you should not be driving.


Ok asshole! Not like i wa sthe one who backed into your wifes car STFU. Like i said i paid for it up front for like six months and didnt think anything else about it


Non payment? No grace period?


Non payment but wasnt intentional!

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lol. how do you not know if you have insurance or not? either you pay for it or you dont.



Just dont drive during your suspension.

Those are my favorite stops to make and my favorite tickets to write too :D


Ok asshole! Not like i wa sthe one who backed into your wifes car STFU. Like i said i paid for it up front for like six months and didnt think anything else about it




Non payment but wasnt intentional!


then put that shit on auto pay so you dont "forget" about it.


sucks man but having insurance is usuall the first thingi remember to pay when bills come around...


well since you cant drive your car cause well you suck ....an you cant drive legally have some one else race your car with me at the track :bangbang:

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Nope it was not you but twice in my life now I've been screwed over because of people who "FORGOT" to pay or "Was sure they paid"


Nether of them paid for my car's repairs.


Sorry about that that really blows but the bank requires me to have insurance on the car or its bye bye T/A

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