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V8 Beast

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your pretty cocky talking shit to a 14 sec car, lets see how you do when you dont know what your up against


This guy's entertaining to say the least. Sure he'll challenge my Speed in a drag race to show him my balls....how about we switch it up a bit and put forth a real race on an SCCA or Road course this summer and see who has the skills? He says he can build a fast car but can he drive?


Hell, let him have a bit more fun opening his car up and let's do a meet at Nelson. His brakes will be toast, his tranny will likely fail and I bet he overheats on the second lap. Won't matter much as hell, he'd probably wreck his well balanced race-weight machine in the 12-13 transition. :rolleyes:


If you think your mazda pos has a shot let me know. We'll do $5,000 heads up. Let's see who has balls.
Edited by TTQ B4U
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Cliffs on why this dude got nazi modded? Time of the month again?


Re-birth of his previous talk shit and not backing it up.


Claims to have an Eaton 112 powered GTP that will tear your ass up

Has been challenged officially by 5+ contenders yet won't commit

V8Beast is even paying his $25 to NTR even though he says he has $5k in his pocket to run

No real back up to his story

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That may be, but nobody carried it to the extremes that I have. My car weighs in at just over 2900lbs RACE WEIGHT if that gives you any clue. Our last venture out netted traps in in the high 120's. That was before a couple other mods.


If you think your mazda pos has a shot let me know. We'll do $5,000 heads up.


Let's see who has balls.






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GTP > Z06 True Story.


On an undisclosed night on a undisclosed stretch of freeway a FWD Grocery getter put BUS LENGTHS on a black z06. Said he had h/c/i but no spray. He was fairly surprised, as was I. I've ran a few c5's before and you never know what you're getting into..

So freeways are now legal stretches of racing tarmac ?


I feeexed it.



True Story.


On an imaginary night on an imaginary stretch of freeway a FWD Grocery getter put BUS LENGTHS on a black Econoline. Said he had a folding bed in the back. He was fairly surprised, as was I, at just how hot the nights get back there.

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That may be, but nobody carried it to the extremes that I have. My car weighs in at just over 2900lbs RACE WEIGHT if that gives you any clue. Our last venture out netted traps in in the high 120's. That was before a couple other mods.


If you think your mazda pos has a shot let me know. We'll do $5,000 heads up.


Let's see who has balls.


Hey bitch, Your SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fast. I wish I could be a complete and utter tool like you. Let me guesse you also swing from the intense dick?



I may not trap 120 but my car can turn and play in the dirt so if u want to call me out those are my cars play ground come get some.


And 5000$ I don't believe you have 5000$. if you had 5000$ to blow around why do you drive a 1998 GTP why do you have a 112. Thats not even that great of a supercharger. I mean 5000$ could put a whipple on your car.



BTW the lil video was fucking hilarious

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These aren't his terms, don't you know that by now. He's said HIS terms 100x before. Just so everyone else is clear....




A. He only races sometimes in the winter doing only 40-140 rolls when it's 45*. So if your car is up for the winter or you don't want to risk racing on cold salted roads you're a bitch. Except of course if can make it, then you're a fucking tard for street racing when it's 45* out because OMFG his GTP spins out at 100+.


B. He won't race at a later date. Either you make it out to meet up with him and his partner at exactly the right time or you're just a shit talking bitch. What's that you say? You’ll need a day to get your car ready? You want to wait until it warms up before doing 40-140 for $1.5k!? Who the fuck do you think you are!? You don't own a monster GTP like him, how dare you make excuses! EXCEPT of course if you can, meet up at HIS time and except his terms in part A. then (see exception in part A.) or he'll just ignore you because the awesomeness of his GTP is too great to be bother with your piece of shit!


C. What part of only 40-140 roll don’t you get!? Assuming the stars line up just right, your willing to race him on an agreed upon date when it’s 55* out, he doesn’t ignore you, you have the money BUT to see what’s what you want a DIG race too :nono: Get that shit out of here. This is Jesus’ chariot we’re talking about here, what kind of shit talking ricer are you!? No dice!


D. You agree to all the terms in parts A, B, and C and somehow don’t get another “term” congrats you win a race against the all mighty and powerful GTP112. Don’t cum in your pants yet because just in case you didn’t know Street Racing is gay and he’s not going to jail for dragging your shit car around 270. Better meet him at the track now bitches.


E. He’ll own 5 people on this forum full of shit talking rice! Sign up on his list to get raped by his family car if you dare and make sure you bring the $1,500 with you. Wait, no one ever said anything about a $25.00 entry fee. Nadda, aint goanna happen. Look, he’s willing to race for $1,500 but my fellow GTP’er isn’t a chump and his orgasm of a car that get’s all the ladies wet and dominates the fucking world doesn’t pay to race. So either pay his way so he can own you at the track or fuck off…ricers!

F. …. Excuse F… I’m sorry ‘Term” F. is still in progress… Check back at a later date.

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Did you guys ban this guy? If not I will give him 2 and the break at any track with my 146ci junk yard 2.4L motor car. And I got 15k cash right here waiting for the race. Let me know.



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Did you guys ban this guy? If not I will give him 2 and the break at any track with my 146ci junk yard 2.4L motor car. And I got 15k cash right here waiting for the race. Let me know.




Showoff!!! Can I borrow some of that so I can pay Rob to finish my POS?

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Winner Winner Chicken fucking Dinner!!!!

Did you guys ban this guy? If not I will give him 2 and the break at any track with my 146ci junk yard 2.4L motor car. And I got 15k cash right here waiting for the race. Let me know.




So uh is this the recipe to getting cashflow like that??



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ok that herpes fag is too annoying. Am I allowed to call him out with my boxing gloves? I will let him pick what ounce gloves we use?




ohhh ohhhh ohhhh

I got sparing pads.


You can pick the style gtp112.

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ok that herpes fag is too annoying. Am I allowed to call him out with my boxing gloves? I will let him pick what ounce gloves we use?

I'm not the jackass in question and since he'll probably puss out on that too I'll go a few rounds with ya. And if it helps, I do have GTP! ;) I get 16 oz and you get 20 oz. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/boxer.gif


Since this thread is trash anyway, where do you box at?

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