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Apple is fail again.


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Is anyone surprised? They only get away with this stuff because poor little Apple was beat up on by big bad Microsoft. Honestly, if MS had tried HALF the stuff Apple gets away with, the government would have broken them up when they had that run-in a while ago.


And the worst part? Apple fans will buy this stuff up like its candy and see nothing wrong with it. You know that if Apple actually made that iWheel laptop, they'd sell some of them.

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By controlling the hardware they have been able to keep their stuff functioning at a very high level for a very long time. MS tries to run on anything, and they don't do a very good job at it. Tight controls mean the products work very well.
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By controlling the hardware they have been able to keep their stuff functioning at a very high level for a very long time. MS tries to run on anything, and they don't do a very good job at it. Tight controls mean the products work very well.


Ok, sure but headphones???

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By controlling the hardware they have been able to keep their stuff functioning at a very high level for a very long time. MS tries to run on anything, and they don't do a very good job at it. Tight controls mean the products work very well.


If MS had made their own hardware and made sure their product only works on their hardware (and vice versa), the justice department would have broken them up.


If MS had insisted that anyone who wants to make hardware for Windows had to buy a license and a special chip, you can be sure there would have been more than fines.

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Not defending the move.. but just to clarify, the headphones now have the controls on them so you can't stick any headphones in there anyway.


This is a way for apple to make sure whatever 3rd party products are developed will actually work and perform all the functions that were intended.

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Not defending the move.. but just to clarify, the headphones now have the controls on them so you can't stick any headphones in there anyway.


This is a way for apple to make sure whatever 3rd party products are developed will actually work and perform all the functions that were intended.


True, but this is hardly a byproduct, but rather the intent. I don't believe Apple made the new shuffle and then said "Oops!" Getting every penny from the accessories, including skimming off the aftermarket was the plan from the moment they designed the shuffle without controls. It's a Triple-Win for Apple. They get money from the aftermarket from licensing, and more from sales of the verification chip. This drives the price of aftermarket accessories up which allows them to bump their own prices for accessories since people will pay a premium for Apple-branded accessories. More income sources, and higher profit margins.


If anyone thinks Apple didn't plan all of this from the start, they're fooling themselves.

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Well lock this up. All the hooplah is unwarranted:




Macworld, however, contacted an Apple spokesman about the matter. While the spokesman confirmed the existence of the chip, its intended purpose is said to be related to the "Made for iPod" program alone. Boing Boing Gadgets was also able to speak with Apple and received what is so far the clearest explanation regarding whether the chip contains DRM:


Just spoke with Apple. There is no encryption or authentication on the chip, so clones could conceivably be made, just not with "Made for iPod" official certification. And now we know!



Update: Apple offers a "Made for iPod" licensing certification for accessories that work with their iPods. With the introduction of this chip, Apple seems to have extended "Made for iPod" certification to headphones/remotes that work with the iPod shuffle. Previously, these accessories were not required to be "Made for iPod" certified. So while there is no DRM in the chips, themselves, it is unlikely that a 3rd party manufacturer would be carried in an Apple Store unless they are "Made for iPod". The implication is that Apple has further extended their control over 3rd party accessories for the iPod.

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Well lock this up. All the hooplah is unwarranted:




What "hooplah"?


Anyone who wants to make an accessory either needs to replicate the chip or pay licensing fees to Apple. I do not foresee too many companies going the replication route.


Apple is fail again.

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I will stick with my nazi loving zune for music in my car. Fuck iPod if I can't use a male to male wire for it to work crystal clear.


I still use the original 30gb Zune. I do love selecting whatever model of headphones/earbuds I want, based on sound quality and not what is compatible.

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By controlling the hardware they have been able to keep their stuff functioning at a very high level for a very long time. MS tries to run on anything, and they don't do a very good job at it. Tight controls mean the products work very well.


Oh, right, that explains why they chose to go with AT&T for cell service, and the original iPhone dropped calls totally at random even in NYC.


Fuck Apple. I made the mistake of getting an iPod a few years back. Now I'm in the process of converting all my muisc to mp3 so i can get rid of it for a Zune, or maybe just buy a bigger chip for my phone and use that.

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