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Made my own iphone

V8 Beast

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I was getting tired of my Omnia.... so..... I changed it to act and look more like an iphone :o (shut up Ben lol).


Now its 1000000000000000x easier to use and much more interactive. It took about 2 hours to set everything up but in the end I pretty much just made myself a new phone.





That is all.

Edited by V8 Beast
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LOL! I got the phone and all the widgets and stuff were horrible. I tried to condense everything onto one page but I use like 20 features in this thing. Its easier to changes pages rather than search through the lame menus. Oh, and Macs are for heterosexual lumberjacks that get lots of sex!
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Can you zoom in on web sites by touching with 2 fingers and spreading them apart? What program did you use or was it all done just with the settings on the phone? I have been thinking about downloading bitpim and fucking with my Dare but on a Dare you cant change as much.
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Can you zoom in on web sites by touching with 2 fingers and spreading them apart? What program did you use or was it all done just with the settings on the phone? I have been thinking about downloading bitpim and fucking with my Dare but on a Dare you cant change as much.


i like the iphone set up also but this is how it regularly looks


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