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Still waiting for wideopenthrottle to make a bogus deal right!


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here it is almost a month later and wideopenthrottle still has not made any effort to make right on the bogus rockers he sold me. again beware of his motives. he doesnt respond to my attemps to contact him after my prior post was closed by moderators, imagine that. he told me twice he would meet up with me and take them back, but once closed so then is the line of commmunication. so just another word of warning about this guy.
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Jesus. I held everyone's hand the first time. You two figure it out somewhere other than here.


Whoever reopened this can play Moderator this time.


Edit - and for what it's worth, I don't have sympathy here. You were in a buyer beware situation. He could have told you they were Space Shuttle bearings, and it would still be up to you to research the parts before paying. It would be different if he intentionally misled you, but I don't think that's the case.


Go see him in person, sell off the rockers to get your money back, something man.

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here it is almost a month later and wideopenthrottle still has not made any effort to make right on the bogus rockers he sold me. again beware of his motives. he doesnt respond to my attemps to contact him after my prior post was closed by moderators, imagine that. he told me twice he would meet up with me and take them back, but once closed so then is the line of commmunication. so just another word of warning about this guy.



Didn't you get it the first time?






Dumb ass.

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