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Paint guys - recommend me a spray gun

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Looking to buy a decent spray gun for personal use in the garage that isn't too overly expensive. I wouldn't mind spending a bit of money on one, but not like $300 or anything like that. I won't be painting entire cars, but mainly smaller projects if that helps. If anyone has any insight into something that may meet my needs, please chime in.



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Another company you can look at is Iwata, they have good guns for a decent price also. If you are going to be doing small stuff, you could go with a smaller touch up style gun. Just depends on what you are doing with it.
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Most of the stuff out there is ok. Clean, clean, clean, and re-clean. 90% of the issues I see with paint guns is dried paint inside it.


Devilbiss makes nice guns but most will be above the price range you're looking at.


Sata makes the best guns out there but again, they will be above your price range. If you really want to get into doing paint work I wouldn't recommend anything other than Sata.


Mac# SG1100-10 or SG1300-13 would be my suggestions for an economy priced gun. The mini is good for small applications, the full size can paint a whole car.

These are priced well within your range. Quality will be lower than the Devilbiss or Sata but, they are perfect for home use.

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