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Interesting, I watch Tim and Eric all the time but I haven't heard about this movie. Might go DVR it for the next time they show it. Sounds like a pretty weird movie.


edit: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0368226/

Edited by Flyin' Miata
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I turn on Adult Swim for king of the hill, and I see that noise.


It was directed, written and starred by the guy that they interviewed on Tim and Eric one time, he's one of the worst actors I've ever seen. I also just bought the DVD on amazon because I have a thing for comically awful movies.

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OMG, it was so fucking terrible I couldn't stop watching it. 4am rolled around and I was still watching this horrible shit. Did anyone catch the fuck scenes where, at times, they would block out so much my bigass widescreen only had about 2in of actual viewing screen. I think they gotta little crazy with it on purpose. It actually made me laugh.
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OMG, it was so fucking terrible I couldn't stop watching it. 4am rolled around and I was still watching this horrible shit. Did anyone catch the fuck scenes where, at times, they would block out so much my bigass widescreen only had about 2in of actual viewing screen. I think they gotta little crazy with it on purpose. It actually made me laugh.


Yea that was great, for 2 whole minutes it was just a big black box with an inch on either side of the actual movie. I'm sure they figured that most people who watch Adult Swim could figure out that they played this because it's one of the best worst movies in recent times.

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Speaking of Adult Swim, has anyone ever watched "Delocated"? Funniest shit I've seen in a while!


Delocated is probably my favorite show on Adult Swim next to Tim and Eric Awesome Show and Xavier. They've got a pretty good line up of shows right now.

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I saw Darkplace the other night! Damn, that show is funny too.


Darkplace is a good one, almost all of the BBC shows that Adult Swim buys are hilarious. I'm really happy that they started running the Mighty Boosh now, that show is the perfect example of how weird British humor is.

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I didn't think Xavier has been as good this season but it's slowly getting better. Very weird and unique show. I'm still pissed they canceled Moral Orel after it's "shortened" 3rd season. If you haven't watched the season 2 finale on through the 3rd season you've missed out on one of the most thought provoking and deep damn cartoons you've ever seen. You'll miss alot of stuff, however, if you haven't seen the previous seasons or if you dont' watch them in order.
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An interview with the guys from the production group that also makes Delocated and made Wondershowzen back in the day. Reading this helped me understand Xavier a lot, the guys who write that stuff are just as weird in real life too.

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