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LMFAO My Ex wants to roll race me.


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Today I received a somewhat belligerent text from a friend, exclaiming that my ex-girlfriend was giving him "the 20 questions" on how "modded" my car is. Apparently in an effort to "get me", she wants me to race her new boytoy's Protege5. Just to have a roaring good laugh, we told her "yup, it dun gots a stg2 peaking 18psi". I feel bad for the fella because it sounded like he must not know about this little "setup". I'm still having a good chuckle over all this. And to top this ricerfest off, she wanted to "bet me and take my money".

Cliffs: Newer slow Ricer vs. Older slower Ricer ; EPIC SHOWDOWN :rolleyes:


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Guest tbutera2112
Lol, apparently she's "networking" with all of her "hustler status" underclassmen friends to "pwn me". Open invitation. :D


do you atleast have the speed model? you do know that a mazda3 with the n/a 2.3L tops out at 111mph before you hit redline in 4th and the awesome fuel cut out... i know this because i used to DD one, theyre pigs


111mph isnt too much from a roll...


but against a protege, i guess it may be

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