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I F***ing Hate People


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damn that sucks! did crazy damage to your trunk. im glad newark doesnt have the city crime here. hell, ive have (accidently) left my keys in my truck over night before. had i been in col. prolly wouldnt have a truck anymore. sorry man, that shit really sucks. why dont you just wait up with a couple friends and see if they show up again and take care of some business? just a thought.....
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Guest tbutera2112
i got a nice set of amps that should fit in your trunk perfectly...ill sell them to you for $50, just dont ask me where they came from, or the deal is off
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I feel ya man, the cops don't do anything about thefts in C-bus or even Phoenix. My first house I lived in out here got robbed of everything electronic wise and I lost my pc tower, lcd monitor, 36'' lcd tv, xbox360 and my roomates lost a lot more. Cops didn't do anything and we knew exactly who did it.


On Tuesday my buddy from school was held at gun point in his own apartment at 3 in the afternoon, tied up they stole everything in his place in 5 min with 3 guys, took his car keys and apt keys and told him they would be back for his car. Luckily he untied himself with a knife in the kitchen and got the spare key to his audi tt and drove it to Scottsdale to hide it till he upgrades the security. Crazy shit.

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Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.

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Guest tbutera2112
Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.


:gtfo: i need more stereo shit

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Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.


Occupation: Father


:) harsh shit, sir

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Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.


Check and check.

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Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.


The spirit of Kenny just assploded from your post haha. Yeah I was gonna ask if you ever drive around campus with your music up (even just a little loud), not trying to say you do, but I had a buddy in a similar situation. They knew his car had a lot of audio stuff in it cause he was always bumpin in the neighborhood. That's fucking shitty tho. I party right by your house quite a bit, I've even seen your car there. It definitely shouldn't take the police long to get ther. And I'll definitely reconsider parking my car there.

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Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.


I thought it, but decided not to say it. He'll learn...eventually.

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It sux his shit was stolen yes, but fuck help your fucking self first is my point!


If this thing was parked in a garage, with an alarm on it and they broke into the locked garage, and dis-armed the alarm, then yes I would say "those bastards". But fuck you might as well paid someone to stand on the car with a bull horn and read the contents of the car.....

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It took maybe ten minutes for the cops to show...but atleast they showed with three squad cars.


I only have to live at my place for another month or so, then back to cincy for the summer. When i come back to finish up classes, im am not living on campus...thats fo sho.


got a better idea dont buy any more stereo shit

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A) You didn't have an alarm( at least if it went off for 10-20 sec. before they ripped it that you could've heard it)

B) You prolly marked urself with ur tint and by bumping thru campus


Sorry bout it all but and hope that its somewhat covered under insurance. Oh, and it looks like a bottle of aids spilled all over ur trunk. They had to be cranking the shit outta that for like 5 min. with the crowbar trying to yank the lock out

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Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.


Im not looking for sympathy...whats done is done...and yes i am kicking myself for getting more equip, but i underestimated theifs in getting what they want. I didnt think they would cut away sheetmetal to get in.


I started this post mostly cause i witnessed some dumbasses break into my neighbors house in broad daylight. Im not used to being a witness to a crime in progress, and ive lived here in the city for 4 years. My car was just to set the story up.

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Sorry to hear that lightning strikes twice :(


I have heard, that in our neighorborhood, that there has been a rash of Garage Break-Ins. I guess a few guys are stealing a car, parking on the parking pad, kicking in the person door, opening the car door, and taking what they can.


We have an alarm on our garage. That MIGHT help. I just installed Door Jamb Armor on the Garage Person Door. Hopefully.... that will make them go on to the next house. I have contemplated hooking up a WIFI Camera that sends the data to my Server at work, pointed at the Person Door. That way, at least a high res image of the fucktards would be captured.


Sleepers.... FTW ;)



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That sucks. My brothers house is right there, I always see your car parked. Thats not even that bad a part of campus. When I lived on 12th and summit it was bad, people tired to break into our house like 3 times and there was a swat drug bust right across the street from me. I'll tell my brother to keep an eye out.
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There are a surprising amount of people in this thread that are right in this area. We should all clean up the cars real nice, park them all right together and bait them in, while hiding in the bushes....or something.


Sounded like a better idea in my mind.

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