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Need Help Bad !! Brakes Dragging Info Inside


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Here is the background info. I have a 1996 Toyota Avalon with about 160,000 miles on it. The brakes were replaced about two years ago but car hasnt had more then 20,000 miles or so put on since they were replaced.


The car started making a noise while going around a corner a shop diagnosed it as a wheel bearing going bad. Havent had a chance to replace it but the noise is getting worse. Anyway I drove it today and heard a horrible grinding noise when brakes were applied and just normal driving have the brakes were applied.


Anyway looking through the wheel you can see the edge of the rotor is grooved. I took it apart the pads werent really worn at all. The pins looked fine but I re greased them then and put everything together. It is still grinding but not as bad. When I looked through the wheel it looks like the edge of caliper is what grinding it down. The pads are alligned fine. What would cause this? Is the caliper bad? If that is the case why isnt the pads wore down also? Is there anything else that keeps everything alligned/centered? With the wheel bearing bad/going bad could this cause this? Thanks CJ

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well if the bearing is bad, it could be moving under load, not letting the rotor ride correctly the way it is suppose to. fix the damn bearing.



with the wheel tight, and every thing on, jack that wheel up and see how much play is in it shaking the wheel top to bottom and side to side. pauls where bad, and you could see the moment in the hub bearing.


lmk if you need that bearing replaced on the cheap.

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