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Most recent accident/foot pics

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Yeah, the swelling and pain will persist for MONTHS. When I cut my thumb OFF the worst part was the pain and swelling after surgery. After about a week, pain pills did next to nothing. You think that's bad though, wait until the itching starts at the skin grafts and major incisions. You'll feel like not even a wire wheel on a dremel will squelch the itching sensation.
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Just trying to get you to laugh.


Oh trust me, I am not one, I will not even let my wife touch me with her feet. Feet are fucking nasty. Hell I don't even walk around barefoot in the house. I think my own feet are gross.


Amen brother, I refuse to walk in my barefeet anywhere. I keep at least socks on most of the time or my slippers and definately shoes if i even step outside.

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Amen brother, I refuse to walk in my barefeet anywhere. I keep at least socks on most of the time or my slippers and definately shoes if i even step outside.


tell me about it, If I started a Muslim Extremist Sect I would say fuck the burka on the women's heads, every person's feet would have to be covered, men and women. :)

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no indication for a nerve block this far out from the injury--we do them at the end of surgery (for simple ankle fractures, or elective foot surgery), but not when you have tons of swelling, because injecting anesthetic fluid in that area will only make the swelling worse.


i typically will give people percocet (oxycodone is the generic name--exact same medication) for 6-8 weeks after this type of injury--after that, you have to force yourself to get off of them--its brutal, but its in your best interest. you can get hooked on these easier than you think--it sneeks up on you--6-8 weeks is the absolut longest time i will prescribe them for this type of injury, and for just about any major surgery.


keep plugging away--this is going to be a 6 month deal, that will slowly get better--obviously, you are through the hardest part.

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no indication for a nerve block this far out from the injury--we do them at the end of surgery (for simple ankle fractures, or elective foot surgery), but not when you have tons of swelling, because injecting anesthetic fluid in that area will only make the swelling worse.


i typically will give people percocet (oxycodone is the generic name--exact same medication) for 6-8 weeks after this type of injury--after that, you have to force yourself to get off of them--its brutal, but its in your best interest. you can get hooked on these easier than you think--it sneeks up on you--6-8 weeks is the absolut longest time i will prescribe them for this type of injury, and for just about any major surgery.


keep plugging away--this is going to be a 6 month deal, that will slowly get better--obviously, you are through the hardest part.


This is the hardest part so far. I have some older pain prescriptions that I may have to take until I can ge into the Dr next week but I dont understand the dosages. Anyone know these kinds of things?

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This is the hardest part so far. I have some older pain prescriptions that I may have to take until I can ge into the Dr next week but I dont understand the dosages. Anyone know these kinds of things?


in general: dilaudid/morphine>oxycontin>percocet/oxycodone>vicodin/lortab/norco/hydrocodone (all the same drug)>darvocet>tylenol#3>tylenol/motrin/alleve/etc



percocet typically comes in 5/325mg that means 5mg of the narcotic component and 325mg of tylenol built in to the drug--that's why they tell you not to take tylenol in addition to percocet or lortab/vicodin--it will be too much tylenol (acetominophen) for your liver. percocet can come in 7.5/325mg, and rarely 10/325mg


lortab typically comes in 5/500mg (500mg of tylenol), but can come in 7.5/325 and 10/325mg tablets


oxycontin is pretty much a long acting form of percocet--meant to last 12 hours--it comes in multiple mg increments from 10mg up.


i typically won't prescribe anything stronger than percocet except in rare circumstances.

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