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Straight "A" Student girl texts 303,000 texts a month on her iPhone.


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See I'm the opposite, I HATE talking on the phone. Especially with girls haha. See with texting, a conversation that would take 45 minutes on the phone, can take close to 2 hours via text. And then this way you can tell the girl "babe what do you mean I don't care? We talked for 2 hours last night", or something along those lines...and there you go, argument over. That's also the the thing with my texting. I have unlimited, but I doubt I REALLY need it unless I'm "talking" to a girl, or actually dating one.


But even with my friends texting is our main form of communication. Its easier to send a mass text to 10 people to tell them about a party, rather than to have to call all 10 of them.


I see it both ways. There are some people I can't stand talking over the phone with. So our conversations are brief texts. There are also people I hate having a conversation with texts. They turn into really long conversations that would take 2 minutes over the phone.


I'd be more against texting if my phone didn't have a full keyboard.


I probably only have ~5-600 texts total a month. 10k? Fuck that.

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Well, if you send yourself a text, you have a text in your inbox. So keep sending yourself texts and it doubles up.


That's what I do when I'm at the club. Just keep texting myself so it looks like I'm busy and popular at the same time! Double cool!

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Hmmm I have unlimited texts and picture msg. Between all my sisters, my wife, my mom, a few close friends, and co-workers I text a ton. I text even more at work. I seem to e-mail a ton more since I bought a blackberry. Fuck it texting that many times a month is for the people who don't use message boards. Same concept.


Also sending pictures of a huge dump I deposited into the toilet to random people is funny as fuck. Go ahead and text me back WTF WTF a 1000 times. It won't charge me anything.

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I use between 300 and 400 per month, but I only use maybe 100 minutes total, usually less. I do a lot of communication over instant messages since I'm usually on the computer doing work and it's free and easy. Ever since getting a full keyboard on my phone though I do use a lot more texts.
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if you say 30secs a text, that comes out to like 2525 hours (if i did my math right, its been awhile since a math class) but there's only 720 hours in a month.

Even if you cut down the texting time, thats still nonstop texting, especially to make up for sleep time.

If she gets straight A's, school is too damn easy because she's not doing any homework, or least not caring. If she has a job her ass needs fired because she's not doing a damn thing. And if she lives at home, then her parents need to kick her out because she's a spoiled ungrateful bitch.

I didnt even watch the video

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a text every 10 seconds 24 hrs a day for 30 days only gets you to like 295k how is that even possible


You can have multiple recipients for a single text. A quick, "Hey everybody!" to 10 people at once in her group list would boost the count. If they all reply she could easily have 20 messages in and out in 30 seconds.

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You can have multiple recipients for a single text. A quick, "Hey eveybody" to 10 people at once in your group list will go out and boost the count. If they all reply she could easily have 20 messages in and out in 30 seconds.


Brian understands.

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She averages 8-9 texts per minute if you calculate in 5 hours of sleep each night. Based on the fact that she can send a lot at once and have them delivered in under 5 seconds she actually has room to do more if she wanted :eek:
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