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Quad Fest (pics)


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Me, my best friend Tim, and 3 of his co-workers went out riding @ Wayne last weekend. The chick at Iron Pony thought it was a bit odd we were wearing suits (Thrift Store ones) to go riding when we were buying our passes.


Gotta look good (or wear an poor-fitting suit) to ride:





06 Raptor 660R, 01 Blaster 200, modded Honda bike, brand new 400EX, and my 04 Raptor 660R LE.



Prepping Chris's Raptor. At least I am making good use of my Avalanche. :)



Just warming up:


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First wet area we went to:



Sadly, my ignition got wet, and it was unhappy any time I went through deep-ish water, and had to dry it off to get my Raptor to run again. :(


She still went through plenty of mud and water:



Any time you buy a quad, and the owner says "It only had 2 hours on it, it's brand new" think of this picture:



That little Blaster can still tear it up:



This is the last picture before things started going downhill for us...we still look happy!


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On the way back, the Blaster starts having issues. Gets really hot, stops running, etc. Let it cool down for 15 minutes, and it would run for another 5. Not good when we were miles from the trail head.


On the way, I took the lead into the wrong trail, and thought I would make it across:



My Redwings stayed dry until going in water higher than my boots. By that point I was pretty soaked. Stupid ignition died while going through the water. By that time, the Blaster my buddy Tim was riding was beyond its last leg...something in the motor was letting go.


We finally make it back



And still look good in the process:



If we didn't break down, I would have been home around 8-ish, instead of midnight. Me and Tim had to stay in an open area for almost an hour so the others could get two more tow straps...one to pull-start me (battery was uber-dead after trying to start the poor thing so much with the ignition problem), and the other for the Blaster, which was dead by that time.


We didn't get any pics of when I got it stuck up to the frame in mud and we had to tow it out with some short-ass strap we had with us...I got pummled with mud. Fun, but very tiring day.

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that sucks about ur raptor. thats why i loved my old fashion kick start on my banshee.


just a heads up always store a tow trap anywhere u go . especially wayne due to it being sooo big of an area.



an yea i hate spots where u think u could get threw that look find but just sink haha. i had my banshee up to my frame in the mud bog area lol (first time i had been there an didnt know it was a mud bog)


hope u fix ur ignation issue make sure to seal up all ur electrical an keep ur filter dry. so u dont keep having these issues.

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Guest Removed
that sucks about ur raptor. thats why i loved my old fashion kick start on my banshee.


just a heads up always store a tow trap anywhere u go . especially wayne due to it being sooo big of an area.



an yea i hate spots where u think u could get threw that look find but just sink haha. i had my banshee up to my frame in the mud bog area lol (first time i had been there an didnt know it was a mud bog)


hope u fix ur ignation issue make sure to seal up all ur electrical an keep ur filter dry. so u dont keep having these issues.


trying to read pauls posts are like trying to under stand....




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This is the first time I ever rode the quad in heavy-water areas, so I didn't know about the issue.


I'll work on the ignition before I go out in the wet again. Need new front tires for it, need to re-adjust the rear suspension, and have the carbs tuned by someone that knows what they are doing (I am not a carb guy, and don't feel like becoming one). Runs good, but idles unhappy unless at the perfect temp, and pops like crazy when off-throttle going downhill. Would help if I really knew what was done to it, other than the ??? motor work and exhaust.

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Did Tim buy a quad now?


Man that's funny to see you all in suits all muddy...did you bring a change of clothes?


Tim was borrowing Chris's spare Blaster. And of course we brought a change of clothes. I guess he could have borrowed Janet's Trailblazer, but prefered the Blaster.

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Joe, skip work tomorrow and take out the trailblazer to go riding with me and Jaron


Hell, if I had a bit more warning, I might have been able to, as I don't work tomorrow. But my wife is taking my Avalanche tomorrow so I can take her Audi in for an oil change and whatever else needs done on this service, and a bunch of other errands to run.


Hell, I'd ride the Raptor still.

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Oh damn, thought you broke the Raptor. Got a trailer? I have a spare truck, it just has a bed cap.


My trailor is currently being repaired (for free :) ), so I won't have it back for a week or two. Besides, I really should get this other stuff done, as we close in a week and a half on our new place. Luckily, I have 2 acres to ride on at our new home, so I can have fun on the quads without leaving the house. :D

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