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Fuck lazy cops

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so i will try and make this short as possible.....


i live in an apartment and have these shady ass neighbors. we have good reason to suspect them of stealing shit and they are always outside late at night talking on their cells (they speak spanish so i have no idea what they are saying) and other random sketchy shit. well today i go to work at 3 PM and theres like four guys parked out front in their explorer fuckin around doing who knows what, just sitting in there. i come back from work at 10:30, guess what, they are still in there. my roommate came home around 7 PM and said they were in there all evening.


we had some friends over around 10:30 PM when i got home. well one of our friends leaves a little after midnight, and no big surprise, they are still out there in their explorer. when hes leaving the guys in the truck try to get my friend to call pizza hut for them because they are "too wasted" and "don't speak english well enough." we start watching them out the window, and eventually see dude in the driver's seat snorting cocaine. yeah, there was a line of shit on the center console i can only assume was coke. dude rolls something up, sticks it in his nose and fucking inhales the line of coke. we also kept seeing them pass around bottles of alcohol, taking turns drinking them.


we call the cops. tell them what we saw, where we're at, and the vehicle and license plate. like 25 minutes later a CPD paddy wagon finally rolls up, the guys in the truck duck down and hide. CPD just slowly drives on by and disappears. we wait a while to see if maybe they were planning something, but nope. so we call again. 5 minutes later they come by again, stop this time, and two cops get out. they walk up, tell the guys in the truck they need to go inside their apartment. so they go inside and the cops leave. no search, no arrest, no nothing. fucking lazy worthless fucks. it was right there under their noses. they knew what was going on and didn't do shit.


what really pisses me off is that yesterday at around 9 PM, me and my friends arrived at my apartment and as we're getting out of the car there was a CPD cruiser rolling through, he stopped us and asked each of us for ID and SS# because my complex has had a lot of break-ins lately and they were "checking everybody out." well tonight they could have made some arrests if they weren't so fucking lazy. they had the fucking proof right there and looked the other way. now we still have to deal with these shady ass neighbors.


this isn't a rant against cops. two of my best friends dads are cops and i'm looking to become one too. but i just hate cops who are pussies and don't do their fucking jobs. if you wanna sit around all day and hide behind your badge and maybe write a parking ticket or two, get the fuck outta here, go be a fucking security guard. this line of work isn't for you. they make other officers look bad. i've heard so much shit about lazy ass 3rd shift CPD and how they don't give a shit about anything, well now i've seen it first hand.


so yeah, i dunno what to do. they are back out there right now walking around hanging out by their truck getting stuff out of it and talking on their phones. no point in calling CPD again because they are pretty much worthless in this instance.


sorry if there were spelling errors but i'm tired as fuck. moral of the story is fuck lazy cops. i'm going to bed

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I had people sitting next to my cars in my driveway at 3am once. Luckily for me the people didnt live here. The way the police handled it was a lot different. The cops actually ended up chasing the guys through the neighborhood before they caught them. Then afterwards we got a phone call explaining what happened to the people that were picked up. They were minors that were being charged with a curfew violation and being intoxicated. Their parents came and picked them up and they would have to appear in court. They never came back after that...
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good to hear they actually did their job in your case.


see i just don't understand how the police can handle this situation the way they did. who knows what they might have uncovered. these guys could have a lot more shit they are hiding. we will occasionally see them coming home at 3 AM and making trips back and forth from their cars carrying boxes of who knows what. and two of them always guard the car while the other guys carry shit. and during the day random people will show up at their apartment then leave 5 minutes later carrying bags. just random sketchy acts like that.


the cops knew they were drunk and had drugs on them. all they had to do was search their car, pat them down, anything. and they did NOTHING but leave so they could go back to the empty lot at curcuit city and continue their fucking game of poker.

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Take the law into your own hands....Talk to your rental office aboot coke and other illegal substances being in the apartment and they will possibly search and evict the tennants.


That is considering your office will do anything about it. I lived in a complex that gave no shit about anything like that, they only cared about your rent payment.

Good luck though.


I work at my shop late alot of nights, and Franklin County always stops, checks my ID. Ok didn't you guys check it already, last night?

Point of that is maybe move to a Franklin County Jurisdiction. Maybe call immigration?

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What do you really want them to do? If it is their vehicle and they live there as long as when the officers show up there is not drugs in plain sight or the open containers or keys in the ignition if they are drunk, then there is not alot to do except ID the person and tell them to go inside and dont cause trouble.


I am not trying to argue with you at all I understand living in a crappy area and having troubles but there are rights even for scum bags the 4th amendment does not allow for searches whenever police want.


Sucks man....trust me I know

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That is considering your office will do anything about it. I lived in a complex that gave no shit about anything like that, they only cared about your rent payment.


Yeah, my office wouldn't do shit about it


What do you really want them to do? If it is their vehicle and they live there as long as when the officers show up there is not drugs in plain sight or the open containers or keys in the ignition if they are drunk, then there is not alot to do except ID the person and tell them to go inside and dont cause trouble.


I am not trying to argue with you at all I understand living in a crappy area and having troubles but there are rights even for scum bags the 4th amendment does not allow for searches whenever police want.


Sucks man....trust me I know


Yeah but they didn't even ID them. One look into the truck and I'm sure they would have found drugs/alcohol. Even though they weren't operating the vehicle, you'd think the smell of booze just from walking by would be enough probable cause. I didn't think you were allowed to have open containers in a vehicle whatsoever, and snort coke while sitting out in plain sight.


Maybe you're right. Maybe the cops couldn't have done anything. Just seems like bullshit to me. Oh well, it is what it is. I just don't get why the guys would be partying out in their truck for 8 hours instead of their apartment which was 50 feet away. Shits wack

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That does suck. I would still call a detective and say you think the apartment next to yours is involved in criminal activities. I would also see if the complex will let you move to another apartment further away from them.
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Yeah, my office wouldn't do shit about it




Yeah but they didn't even ID them. One look into the truck and I'm sure they would have found drugs/alcohol. Even though they weren't operating the vehicle, you'd think the smell of booze just from walking by would be enough probable cause. I didn't think you were allowed to have open containers in a vehicle whatsoever, and snort coke while sitting out in plain sight.


Maybe you're right. Maybe the cops couldn't have done anything. Just seems like bullshit to me. Oh well, it is what it is. I just don't get why the guys would be partying out in their truck for 8 hours instead of their apartment which was 50 feet away. Shits wack




hey I completely understand it really sucks. you cant have open containers in your car at all but probable cause comes from plain view or plain smell gotta have that to build your pc or suspicion.Oh well whats done is done...hopefully in the future there are different circumstances

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That does suck. I would still call a detective and say you think the apartment next to yours is involved in criminal activities. I would also see if the complex will let you move to another apartment further away from them.


Yep, I have some connections with a couple CPD detectives which will hopefully come in handy. If shit gets any worse we might see about moving to another apartment, but right now I'm not too concerned with that.


hey I completely understand it really sucks. you cant have open containers in your car at all but probable cause comes from plain view or plain smell gotta have that to build your pc or suspicion.Oh well whats done is done...hopefully in the future there are different circumstances


You could smell the alcohol from a mile away lol. I don't think I mentioned that earlier. But yeah whats done is done, I'll just make sure I keep my eyes and ears open and hopefully there won't be any issues

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Take the law into your own hands....Talk to your rental office aboot coke and other illegal substances being in the apartment and they will possibly search and evict the tennants.


i dont think that they can search your apartment or your person. if my landlord came over and said he wanted to search my apartment, id tell him to go fuck himself.

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i dont think that they can search your apartment or your person. if my landlord came over and said he wanted to search my apartment, id tell him to go fuck himself.



All the leases i looked at had a Right to Enter clause in them. If they suspect something illegal they can enter and search the premisis because technically its their property?

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I feel your pain. I used to have people do drug deals in my driveway when I had a town house. It was right next to Bob's bar on high street by graceland. I would call the cops and they wouldn't get there until 30 minutes later. The car would be gone by then.


Lazy fucks.

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I'm glad the owner of our apt. complex is a take no shit kind of guy. everybody who lives in the apts. gets an assigned parking spot. if any strange cars are parked in our spots he tows them. Hes down at the apt. complex almost everyday doing some type of handywork for hrs on end at times so when he sees something ever sketchy he takes care of it first hand. Never had to call the cops ever.
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