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My Graduation Party June 6th


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Im graduation from high school and would like to invite CR. Its open to all CR members. There will be a cook out and normal party stuff like cake fireworks ect. Parking will be in the church parking lot next to my house. But be warned cops sometimes sit in it waiting for me. Oh, I almost forgot, I will be holding an after party at Columbus Gold. First 4 to show up will get free entry with VIP pass accompanied by myself and lolryan. I haven't told lolryan this yet so if something comes up and he cant attend his spot will be give to the 5th. Adress and time will be set at later date.
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Im 18 havent put it in my info yet


You asked for it



Alcohol is NOT provided but feel free to bring your own. I would say there is but knowing you guys you'll drink all my parents booze so fast you'll be sober by the time we get to CG.


Here is the list of who will get a pass, based on first post first serve basis.

1. O'Doyle

2. Mopar

3. Leviathan

4. Phil

Remember if lolryan doesnt show 1 more will be open so I will have 0_RWHP contacted, and so on and so forth if anybody else wont be able to make it.. All are welcome to come to the party and Time will be posted of when we will be at CG later

Congrats to the winners, i will be sending out reminder PM's as the date approaches.

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btw...thats an odd crowd, 3 brothas and a big ass ginger nut










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