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So I went to the dark side.....


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Carie and I bought iPhones last night. :eek:


After many, many faithful years to the big VZW, I switched.


So iPhone guys, what are some good apps to download?

Nice work. Shazam, iheartradio, google earth, pandora, accuweather, and simplify music 2.0 (great app). Those should get you started.

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i was in verizon store yesterday, they have upgrades for the storm (what i have) to go to 4g at the end of this month or beginning next month!




It was just recently pushed back to the 2nd half of 2010, and rumor has it the engineers are doubting it'll be ready by then. Most likely early 2011.


I don't know what 4G upgrade there could be for the Storm, especially seeing that's 4G would require different hardware. A software/firmware upgrade won't do shit.

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I think it's funny people still think Apple is going to make A CDMA iPhone for Verizon. :)



But an LTE verison is not so crazy. Why would Apple want to miss out on selling iPhones to another group of 80+ million? ATT got the better end of the stick and Apple now realizes that being exclusive is not so great. I see it happening early 2010.

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It's all rumor right now, but A compas is one feature that is confirmed by the code in the 3.0 software about to come out at the same time.


If you watch the Keynote speech on June 8th you should get all the info you will need. Jobs will not be giving it as it seems now, he is not due back until late June is what I read. Schiller is scheduled to give it with other VPs presenting too. But look to apple's website Jun 8th in the evening for the Video to watch. It starts at 10am in Cali so 1Pm our time and Apple usually has the video up in the evening. You can also go to MacRumors.com to read opinions and they will have live transcripts of the meeting with pics as it happens if you can't wait for the video.

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But an LTE verison is not so crazy. Why would Apple want to miss out on selling iPhones to another group of 80+ million? ATT got the better end of the stick and Apple now realizes that being exclusive is not so great. I see it happening early 2010.


4G? The 2010 iPhone will be a 4G phone I think.


We will see what apple does with a 4G phone, AT&T might subsidize that phone even more to keep the exclusivity. Apple is selling huge amounts of iPhones, Apple is benefiting just fine. List price on my phone with out AT&Ts help is $7xx. I paid $200.


Anything can happen though in the next two years. It's exciting though. I like my iPhone even on AT&T, the only place I can't get service is here at my desk 20 feet below ground. I'm hoping a 4G phone will fix that when my contract is up. I'll most likely upgrade my phone anyway in July when the new 3G phone is released with it's updated components. Hell the 3.2 MP camera rumor might be worth that money IMO, I use it a lot on my current phone. I snap pics of my daughter all the time and if I want to share them with family I upload them to my MobilMe account and my family can view them on the net. I never have to dock my phone to share them.


I think this compass thing in the new phone will be cool. An example of an App is you already have GPS to tell the phone where you are located at that moment. If you have a compass it tells the phone what direction the phone is pointing when you are using the camera. So you point your camera at a museum in NY on the street, the phone then tells you what building you are looking at, and maybe it could have links to hours of operation, or historical facts about the building, or maybe it's a restaurant, you could pull up the menu and look at it before you go in. pretty cool.

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I think it's funny people still think Apple is going to make A CDMA iPhone for Verizon. :)


There are already people with unlocked iphones on verizon. Its the broadband connection that would need to be changed to work on EVDO.

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