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Can blood boil?

Alex L.

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It's 1:42 A.M., what the fuck else do I have to do?


You're posting back as well, so this is a situation of the pot calling the kettle black.


Yeah i know, its the only active thread, but I'm going to bed. You need to get on AIM or something.

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my grades were mediocre in hs, 3.0s, 2.8s shit like that. but i played sports and used my color to my advantage and that covers a good portion of it as i pay the other portion. better pick up a basketball, or racquetball soon, time is running out bitch.
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I've got a 3.2 accumulative average after getting a 2.0 for most of this year. Yeah, I know, I'm a fucking genius. I scored a 25 on my ACT, will have played sports for my entire HS career, and my two businesses will help me. I'll be fine, but my dad is just thinking "oldschool" here.


You want to take me under your wing and form me into the next racquetball prodigy? :p

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I've got a 3.2 accumulative average after getting a 2.0 for most of this year. Yeah, I know, I'm a fucking genius. I scored a 25 on my ACT, will have played sports for my entire HS career, and my two businesses will help me.



A 3.2 average and a 25 ACT score would most likely not even get you into a top tier Public University. Your skin/hair color won't help you much either!


Hope you don't have your sights set that high?

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I've got a 3.2 accumulative average after getting a 2.0 for most of this year. Yeah, I know, I'm a fucking genius. I scored a 25 on my ACT, will have played sports for my entire HS career, and my two businesses will help me. I'll be fine, but my dad is just thinking "oldschool" here.


You want to take me under your wing and form me into the next racquetball prodigy? :p



You never listen to my advice, but you would be wise to listen to people with greater life experience that you.. ie your father.

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I've got a 3.2 accumulative average after getting a 2.0 for most of this year. Yeah, I know, I'm a fucking genius. I scored a 25 on my ACT, will have played sports for my entire HS career, and my two businesses will help me. I'll be fine, but my dad is just thinking "oldschool" here.


You want to take me under your wing and form me into the next racquetball prodigy? :p


that's better than i did on my ACT but i had about a 3.5 average...i just took art classes :)

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A 3.2 average and a 25 ACT score would most likely not even get you into a top tier Public University. Your skin/hair color won't help you much either!


Hope you don't have your sights set that high?


Talking to my counselor, it seems as thought I would be able to get into Miami of Ohio and OSU most likely, Cincinnati for sure, and I haven't looked much into OU yet. I have taken on 3 AP classes (Biology, U.S. History, and English, all of which have been some of my highest grades) this year and French 3. My course rigor this year was off the wall.


I am scheduled to take AP English next year and a photography class at Denison University. I will be at the university being taught a college photography class.


Colleges need more gingers in their student body as well. :p


You running mac or windows...No filter/firewall stops me.


It's the school LACA blocker. We had a way to get through it for awhile this year, but the motherfuckers found out and eliminated the way to get through.

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Talking to my counselor, it seems as thought I would be able to get into Miami of Ohio and OSU most likely, Cincinnati for sure, and I haven't looked much into OU yet. I have taken on 3 AP classes (Biology, U.S. History, and English, all of which have been some of my highest grades) this year and French 3. My course rigor this year was off the wall.


I am scheduled to take AP English next year and a photography class at Denison University. I will be at the university being taught a college photography class.


Colleges need more gingers in their student body as well. :p




It's the school LACA blocker. We had a way to get through it for awhile this year, but the motherfuckers found out and eliminated the way to get through.


If you're taking a lot of AP classes that will help a lot. They look at extracurricular activities too. I didn't do too well on SAT and ACT but I still got a boat load of scholarships.

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I carried a 3.2 average in HS with a 28 on the ACT and had no problem getting accepted to the average public colleges, OSU, Akron, and Kent. OSU claims they are raising their standards every year but from some of the people I have to deal with in my classes you wouldn't know it. I'm still amazed that people sleep in college classes when attendance isn't even required.
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