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Calling it quits


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Well after a night that made me aware of the problem, I'm calling it quits on liquer. Seems like everytime I drink it I go too far. Only a matter of time before I do something I really regret while drunk. Plus I enjoy remembering parties and friends
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If you feel you have a problem... you have a problem.


I don't really feel that its a problem yet. I just want to catch it before it becomes a problem


see below


Well after a night that made me aware of the problem, I'm calling it quits on liquer. Seems like everytime I drink it I go too far. Only a matter of time before I do something I really regret while drunk. Plus I enjoy remembering parties and friends


I wish I wouldve succeeded. Biggest problem is self-control for me. I start drinking and don't know when to call it quits


I hope you can succeed, set short term goals and you should be fine.

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Sucks to hear man, but at least you're being responsible now. Hopefully alcoholism doesn't run in your family. There is some in my family, but luckily so far I don't seem to have a problem stopping, saying no, etc. Good luck.
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I stopped drinking almost 6 years ago. Almost all of the troubles in my past were attributed to alcohol.


My problem was the same as your problem. I had no self control to stop drinking when it was time. Killing almost half gallon a night was easy.


I can tell you countless horror stories Ive had. I have been to jail over 20 times because of alcohol whether it be bar fights or DUI or sometimes things worse than that.


If you know its a problem stop while you are ahead...

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Thanks for the support guys. Figured I'd get bashed pretty hard but I needed to get it out.


Fuck that, anyone who tries to make fun of someone making a good, responsible life decision like that is just jelous. Ive had to deal with this with close friends and family not knowing when to call it quits, its sad when everyone's out to have a good time and all that person can think about is "more alcohol", like its the key to having a good time. Hell Ive scrutinized myself sometimes but if your mature enough and man enough to step back and analyze yourself then your ready to do something about it. And thats respectable.

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Well after a night that made me aware of the problem, I'm calling it quits on liquer. Seems like everytime I drink it I go too far. Only a matter of time before I do something I really regret while drunk. Plus I enjoy remembering parties and friends


Just FYI this isnt an AA forum.:D

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Thanks for the support guys. Figured I'd get bashed pretty hard but I needed to get it out.


You're a pussy. You need to learn how to handle yo alky.


Fuck that, anyone who tries to make fun of someone making a good, responsible life decision like that is just jelous.


Well I didn't really try per se, I just did. So I suppose I rule. I can drink to that.







I'm just kidding of course, good luck with keeping off the liquor, its better too knock it out before you start getting the mornin shakes.

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I work in corrections and 90 percent of the guys have some type of addiction with drinking drugs ect. Alot of people that are in the prison now were going to OSU last year and made some stupid mistakes while drinking, now they are sitting in prison scared like a little bitch everyday wishing they did the right thing. If you think you need to stop or slow down its because you prolly need too. Ive done my share of stupid shit, drugs and drinking, when I look back at all of it , I feel so stupid. Dont be the guy who has to look back and regret what you did or what you think you did all it takes is one bad thing happen. falling down drunk and blacking out and puking is not cool.
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I use to get hammered like that a few years ago. I just backed off for a while. Now when I go out the alcohol doesn't seem as tempting or cool. So I have a few beers MAYBE a shot and I'm done. But good luck either way with your decision, but I think some of us have been there.
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