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Anyone datalog with ScannerPro


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Has anyone ever used ScannerPro? I am having a problem, I can connect to my truck just fine and it displays the data in any mode but when I try to create a new log file it just wont create it. It asks if I want make one and I of course choose yes then it even has me name it but when I hit ok all that happens is the prompt closes, no file is created. Anyone know what to do? Anyone have a XDL file they could send me to see what happens if it doesnt have to make a new one.
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I got tunerpro RT to log today and I found a new procedure to try with scannerpro from thirdgen.org.


The reason I'm trying to get scannerpro working is because I have a spread sheet that I can copy and paste the histogram into and it will caculate new spark and fuel tables to copy to my BIN. I didnt see a histogram in RT though, is there one somewhere?

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