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Call it as I see it


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I'm not going to stand by and watch CR implode.


There's been too much bullshit lately, even more than usual.


CR vs CR

IPS vs GearheadZ

IPS vs Dyno Brian

Dana vs Linn/Sam


When I draw the line is when the practicality is taken out of context and I have people, old and new, wanted to walk off of CR because the drama gets too much for even them to handle.


In my "line of work", per se, I talk to a lot of people on both sides of issues and hear a lot of story variations and see a lot of finger pointing. It's very difficult and stressful to watch friends, members, business, etc tear each other apart over heresy, pranks, jokes taken too far, complaints, whatever.


I could fill this page with just shit I've been introduced to in the past few weeks. I've always been a good mediator, and even I at times get involved in the midst of conflicts. I'm just not always sure how to handle a situation or what advice to offer when people come to me with their issues.


Right now with the current "conflicts", I'm at a loss for a resolve. I've got sponsors badmouthing each other in PMs which in turn gets dragged into the public view. I've people I'm friends with fighting each other and I feel like that guy on the playground with his arms outstretched holding two guys back.


I will say this: Some of you need to get your panties out of a bunch. Others need to quit with this "I'm taking my ball and going home" attitude. Giving up is not the answer, and if you have a better solution, by all means come to me about it. Most of the senior CR people around here have my number and know they can call me. I also have a PM inbox that holds 10000 messages (no shit :D).


So anyways, what to do? I'm stressing out because I'm seeing OG members threatening to leave, I've got so much bullshit going on and not sure how to handle it, I'm watching people just plain out fuck with each other. Also, the "new generation" CR members need to grow up in some aspects. Some of this nitpicking shit needs to stop.


So where to go from here?

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First. In for a mass ban even if it includes me.


Really nothing more to do but delete the stuff that you don't want on your forums. Let people handle things on their own, outside of your playground turf.

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Going to try and make an honest effort to stop the bullshit on my end and limit, if not completely do away with my typical banter. That's the most that I can do, and I have already started putting it into effect.
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My personal opinion is this,( I am not an original og but I have been on here under another screenname before I rejoined in 05 as wnaplay so I have seen some issues come and go by no means an expert), alot of the new guys dont have the respect that was required years ago. Nor is there anyone who challenges this. It used to be a tool came along a tool was escorted out. There was a comradery that no longer exists. Alot of newby bs posts would never have been allowed to float years ago. I know people are tired of hearing how good it was, but simply it was better. If a mod screwed with you it was like a friend doing it and it was cool. Now I see mods does it to entertain themselves. No not all mods. Threads with some entertaining/relevant value are ruined by bs posts. I can see making a bs post about a comment someone said even if its OT(sometimes someone says something you just want to comment about), but one after another after another? We are all guilty of what we all complain about. Myself as well. The difference is some of us realize it and knock it off. Others never come to this realization and continue to do it. I say I am walking away everyday. But I like it here so much I always come back.
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Going to try and make an honest effort to stop the bullshit on my end and limit, if not completely do away with my typical banter. That's the most that I can do, and I have already started putting it into effect.

Dude no offense but this is a start. Although you have said it before. Its really hard to take you seriously. I like everyone on here and we will never all get along. I would help anyone with anything. I have lent money, tools, garage space, gotten jobs for, given thousands in free work, donated my time, and a host of other things to cr members over the years, and would do so still today.

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As with any group that starts out small and gets bigger, the rules need to be enforced more and more evenly and fairly. Not to say mods arent but I have seen many occasions where one guy is hit for an offense and a guy right there is not. I love cr. If Anthony told me tomorrow its a pay sie, I would have my cash in his mailbox tonight. But it has become a good site to find like minded people to a joke almost.
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Dude no offense but this is a start. Although you have said it before. Its really hard to take you seriously. I like everyone on here and we will never all get along. I would help anyone with anything. I have lent money, tools, garage space, gotten jobs for, given thousands in free work, donated my time, and a host of other things to cr members over the years, and would do so still today.


+11ty... I have helped/loaned and been helped/loaned so many times because of this site, it may be the only reason why im still wasting money on cars.

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Dude no offense but this is a start. Although you have said it before. Its really hard to take you seriously. I like everyone on here and we will never all get along. I would help anyone with anything. I have lent money, tools, garage space, gotten jobs for, given thousands in free work, donated my time, and a host of other things to cr members over the years, and would do so still today.


I think in many cases I was trying too hard to be funny and get accepted. Looking back at some of my posts now, I actually get annoyed with myself and wish that I hadn't posted them. Being the goof has it's time and place, and it seemed like I thought that time and place was all the time.


Call me a fag or whatever, but I'm sorry to anyone that I might have angered or irritated over the past few weeks. Now that the shit has hit the proverbial fan, let's all take steps and do our part to try and get this place back on track.

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Guys that call themselves noobs/newbs, dont. I know Anthony thinks you guys have just as much right to be here as a guy who signed up in 01. If your a good member then you have every right to speak your opinion on this matter as everyone else. I cant see Anthony ever fixing the solution based on sign up date.
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Guys that call themselves noobs/newbs, dont. I know Anthony thinks you guys have just as much right to be here as a guy who signed up in 01. If your a good member then you have every right to speak your opinion on this matter as everyone else. I cant see Anthony ever fixing the solution based on sign up date.


The other problem with banning people after a certain date is that the forum won't be allowed to grow. New members are part of what helps the forum get better, but it's tough to weed out the good and the bad.


I've only been here since 2007 and have only been to a couple of meets, but I had a good time at them and the amount of information and knowledge on this site is why I'm still here. I'd be disappointed if I were no longer allowed to use the site just because of some arbitrary year.

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Guys that call themselves noobs/newbs, dont. I know Anthony thinks you guys have just as much right to be here as a guy who signed up in 01. If your a good member then you have every right to speak your opinion on this matter as everyone else. I cant see Anthony ever fixing the solution based on sign up date.


I can, it's like dynamite fishing. You're bound to fuck up most of them.

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Being more of a spectator then an active participant in some of the more 'heated' threads, it's quite clear that there are some major differences in opinions here and as we all have more than likely been on forums for a while, we know that these types of issues are cyclical. During the 'off' season, there's a whole lot more shit talking because people aren't able to get out and mingle with their fellow forum members as much as they are during the rest of the year. Having not been as active as some back when I first registered on this site, I don't know (or care to know) all the back stories in which some of the animosity exists between OG members, but after what all of the site went through in the last couple of months with the loss of a major part of the forum, I think examining what your roles are here on this forum should be looked at more closely. Why do you enjoy coming to the site and interacting with these people? Flaming back and forth is just how these forums work, it's going to happen no matter what rules you put in place. It's up to the individual as to how they deal with it. Are you the type of person that can laugh it off or will what was said get your blood boiling so much that you can't let it go? We all agreed to a set of parameters when we joined this site and if you're one that enjoys testing those parameters, then I would hope that you would be able to accept the consequences of doing so. I don't know a lot of people personally on here, but I enjoy the time I spend here and those I interact with. My time would be spent elsewhere if I didn't. My point is, remember why you enjoy coming here and what brings you back.
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I think in many cases I was trying too hard to be funny and get accepted. Looking back at some of my posts now, I actually get annoyed with myself and wish that I hadn't posted them. Being the goof has it's time and place, and it seemed like I thought that time and place was all the time.


Call me a fag or whatever, but I'm sorry to anyone that I might have angered or irritated over the past few weeks. Now that the shit has hit the proverbial fan, let's all take steps and do our part to try and get this place back on track.

Dude we have all been there. Alot of guys go through the same thing. Some guys get away with it right off the bat and some guys spend a long time finding their niche. When I returned nobody knew me and I didnt know anybody. I didnt fit in at all nor did I think I ever would. I probably still dont but I dont notice it as much.

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Guys that call themselves noobs/newbs, dont. I know Anthony thinks you guys have just as much right to be here as a guy who signed up in 01. If your a good member then you have every right to speak your opinion on this matter as everyone else. I cant see Anthony ever fixing the solution based on sign up date.


Yeah I don't mean it like that, I just say it out of respect for the earlier guys on here and the people who helped build it. I still express my opinions when I want and feel like I belong as much as anyone, but I honestly don't feel like a senior member until I've met more than a dozen people on here and actually make it to some CR meets/track days/etc.


That being said, I still think some of the newer members need to "know their role" and not get involved in shit they shouldn't be involved in, all it does is add to the drama

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Dude we have all been there. Alot of guys go through the same thing. Some guys get away with it right off the bat and some guys spend a long time finding their niche. When I returned nobody knew me and I didnt know anybody. I didnt fit in at all nor did I think I ever would. I probably still dont but I dont notice it as much.


I hope that I haven't burned too many bridges in the process. Like I said, there's a time and a place for goofy ass posts, and I thought that was all the time and everywhere.


I know I'm going to move on into a new stage of my CR career after this self-assessment. I can't always be the funny one, so I shouldn't always try it. :)

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oh ya - everyone after 04 needs to be banned.


I don't think that would solve any problems. I've seen a lot of older CR members do the same shit newbies do. I've been here since 06 and in the past 3 years I have noticed the morals of CR drop dramatically. I came here after 04 and a few members can tell you I will do whatever I can to help someone out and that I'm a cool guy. I mean, I don't contribute as much as I would like to or come out to as many meets due to suspended license, but I feel like saying that everyone that joined after 04 (idk if it was sarcastic or not) is a little harsh.

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I'm am not going to sit here, and let someone bash my work, or ethics . when they have never even had something done by me.

I'm not going to just sit here, and let people post my business phone number on CL, and think its just a funny prank. Its not.

I'm not going to sit here and let someone, drag my family affairs/issues or how ever you want to word it, out on here. (unless i post it) Cause i have some crazy ass family member's that read here. and i dont control what they do.

I'm not going to stand bye and watch a strong women get put down, buy half the boys here, that have never dealt with such a strong women.

i think my sig covers alot about me in general!

yes i have my own shop..get over it.

I'll be nicer, when you're smarter! well yeah. granted i can not spell worth a shit most time and its hard for me to relay whats on my mind. got a issue with it..call and leave me a message. i'll think about getting back to you.

i call it as i see it.

and last

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. Henry Ford

Henry ford was a great man. and has lots of great quotes. dana felt that one best suited me..i would have to agree.



now the last 2 days in my shop has been crazy with bs drama from here. yes i was very close to just canceling everything and walking away from here. but as dana told me, how strong would that make me look. now, i may act dumb at times, yes i throw jokes at some , that i am cool with..or not so cool it. now im here for the night to try to play catch up, so i can keep my promise's to my customers.

i love being a member here, and the same goes with being a sponsor. but i dont like the bs that goes on here , just the same that is in the top posting in this thread.

yes dana is taking some legal actions and will see it thru. i can promise that. dont take the bs up with me. she is a big girl, and can handle herself, my advise is to not cross her. cause if you load the gun and then hand it to her...well she's going to pull the trigger..same with me.

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