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Call it as I see it


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This needs to stay constructive on how to improve CR and effectively deal with excess drama. I don't wanna see anything other than that at this point, I'm pretty adamant at the moment.


No one will get banned based on their join date.


your a douche :p



it the way we are


like my post right above your quote here...he knows im joking with him..atleast i think de does...:confused:

He just asked for people to help come up with ways to improve what we all consider "our" site. I mean c'mon not everthread has to get like this. He's already removed some posts from the 1st page.Kinda hard for him to enjoy the site as well when hes always dealing with nonsense.

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Dont take everything so literally. I guess I should have said not everyone. Everyone knows at this point you have started what appears to be a new business and Dana is a huge part of it. We all know your a sponsor but hell between all the sig pics and posts pertaining to the shop and drama(not saying its your fault) I sometimes have to tell myself this is cr not gearheadz. Dont get mad.


when can i come use your saw? and take that bad foot off and out of your way? :p

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I agree. I'm tired and not really wording stuff right. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that there's a reason why a lot of the vets on here say stuff like "everyone after x year needs to be banned." The general feeling is that everyone wished CR was "the way it used to be." I've only been here a few years and haven't been active outside the forum so I don't remember a lot, but there must be some pretty obvious reasons why it has gone downhill, and why the drama has gotten worse over time.


I think theres only so much that you can do. I mean the rules have been put in place, the admins and mods do their jobs to the best of their ability. Theres only so much that you can control. Some members just need to lighten up and cut out the bullshit, like you said. When I say "know your role" I mean don't talk shit about someone you haven't met unless they deserve it or are an obvious stupid fuck, don't badmouth a forum sponsor, don't say stuff you won't say to a person to their face, don't get butthurt about something harmless said on the internet, etc. Stuff like that. I guess I don't really know what I'm trying to say here

When I say Cr was better before, I am referring to the comradery and friendships which you could actually have. No not everyone got along, but you just didnt feel like you wanted to strangle everyone all the time.

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He just asked for people to help come up with ways to improve what we all consider "our" site. I mean c'mon not everthread has to get like this. He's already removed some posts from the 1st page.Kinda hard for him to enjoy the site as well when hes always dealing with nonsense.


that was a second page removal,,,brians double post...try again :p

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When I say Cr was better before, I am referring to the comradery and friendships which you could actually have. No not everyone got along, but you just didnt feel like you wanted to strangle everyone all the time.


Exactly. I think thats how everyone feels. Maybe we aren't discouraging douchebaggery behavior as much as we should. I think the site will always have its ups and downs, every forum is like that. The main issue is taking steps to prevent the "downs" from happening, especially since CR is more of a friendly community than just your basic internet forum. The thing is, you can't always please everyone.


I think a lot of members need to realize that this isn't just a car/racing forum, it's a local community with tight-knit members who share a big common interest and hang out a lot and help each other out. Too many people who act completely different on the forum than how they would act in person. I'm sure a lot of people who act like douches on here are actually cool people in real life. With a lot of the BS and nonsense on here, sometimes it feels more like an internet forum than a local community. I think thats part of the problem

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

I am a newbie to CR, and was reading hilarious stuff for months before I was even signed up, and given my Columbus Racing account by a loved one, because he REALLY enjoys interacting with the people on here, and he is an automotive savant. I don't think anyone could come on here and try to sully his name without him getting a bit offended and confused. While "class" warfare is inevitable in modern America, "White Trash versus Frat Fucks" or whatever, what I seem to notice, is how people lose the clarity of the "big picture" when an organization grows as Columbus Racing has. Sure, there was probably (most definitely) a hazing process with the OGs and newbs...but as a group grows, it has to evolve...part of advancing...or devolve...stop growth and keep it more exclusive, charge a fee for simple membership and different rates for different levels. But, that is not what Columbus Racing is about...from what I have gathered and witnessed in the past year. CR is about people that love cars, getting together with other people that like their type of cars and ribbing people that like a different type of car and how ridiculous they are for liking that car and how much better this is than that. Back to Class. There is helpful techs that can offer insight into a problem that is persistant, and I am sure that CR will keep evolving and continue to upgrade itself.


I don't think CR was intended to be used as a tool to intimidate, belittle or harass to the point of involving the law. A few of the people that posted that "had this been between guys..." comment...Do you REALLY think I have enjoyed answering that business line and hearing the comments? no...not at all. What is also disconcerting, I have NEVER met, seen or spoken to someone named Jon Linn...although I have read about the 2008 situation have now been brought up to speed (sorry, couldn't resist). So, this is the treatment that a member gets because why? A reference to a movie and fashion and vehicle choice...I could see where Sam could be miffed because we had not met, but if he was there to make a nice comment about the shop...why didn't he say something like that on his way out? I was standing at the driver's side bumper...


Just because someone is new to CR, doesn't mean they don't want to be involved, should be discounted automatically, and harassed to the point of second guessing what the people of CR are really capable of. I have met and come to appreciate quite a few CR people, and I am thankful to them for their encouraging words. But there is a faction that is very worrisome, and for it not to be held out as unacceptable behavior and played as a prank...does not serve the offensive member any real chance to see that it is inappropriate to cross a line and in crossing that line, these are the consequences for which you must be held accountable. So, it comes to this.


Now, in certain circles, this newbie is regarded as a dumb female that should only speak when spoken to etc...and I posted Sunday, "I am sure you have never met anyone like me..." I could go into lengthy detail about my work history, where I grew up and things I have witnessed to give a clear indication of what I mean...but, if I spill the beans for free, no one would buy the book...


I like what CR stands for and I think that part of growing up is adapting to new challenges and learning to accept them...some are good...some are bad...AND it is up to the WHOLE of CR to work as a team and decide which direction to take...I am sure MOST would want evolution...for the alternative is devastating.

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Exactly. I think thats how everyone feels. Maybe we aren't discouraging douchebaggery behavior as much as we should. I think the site will always have its ups and downs, every forum is like that. The main issue is taking steps to prevent the "downs" from happening, especially since CR is more of a friendly community than just your basic internet forum. The thing is, you can't always please everyone.


I think a lot of members need to realize that this isn't just a car/racing forum, it's a local community with tight-knit members who share a big common interest and hang out a lot and help each other out. With a lot of the BS and nonsense on here, sometimes it doesn't feel that way. I think thats part of the problem

The difference between this site and alot I have been on is that there really is only a core group of guys that post. When you take into consideration that there are thousands of registered users there arent many posters. I was never sure why this is. You even see alot of lurkers that never seem to post. This being the case you dont get alot of assortment of opinions. Its kinda like people post the same thing over and over and you can sometimes follow identical posts from a user in one thread to another.

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Cr really has deviated from being what most would consider a "car site" years ago. True the core belief is that we all love cars. But like myself, most havent had a car to race in years thats if they have ever raced. Others seem to have unicorns in body bags that will likely be still being benchraced years from now. So what are we left with? Just a forum with no real core? I am not complaining, if we went to all members having to race in columbus I need to do some car shopping tomorrow.
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Guest Removed
Cr really has deviated from being what most would consider a "car site" years ago. True the core belief is that we all love cars. But like myself, most havent had a car to race in years thats if they have ever raced. Others seem to have unicorns in body bags that will likely be still being benchraced years from now. So what are we left with? Just a forum with no real core? I am not complaining, if we went to all members having to race in columbus I need to do some car shopping tomorrow.


dont mean we have to race around columbus...do you love the car stuff? thats all that counts IMO

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Sorry but the forum is getting too big to be the old CR


And Miller has mastered post whoring :lol:

Not when you think of what the old cr was. It wasnt about "OG" members. It was like individuals sharing a common interest. Friends having a place to converse as life drifted people apart.

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The difference between this site and alot I have been on is that there really is only a core group of guys that post. When you take into consideration that there are thousands of registered users there arent many posters. I was never sure why this is. You even see alot of lurkers that never seem to post. This being the case you dont get alot of assortment of opinions. Its kinda like people post the same thing over and over and you can sometimes follow identical posts from a user in one thread to another.


True story. Maybe a lot of members aren't computer-savvy, who knows. I'm sure plenty of people that have joined are cool fuckin people who know a lot about cars and are turned off by the way some people act on here. A lot of guys who go to the track a lot and work on cars all day and are really cool to be around don't post much, or at all. I don't know why.


One thing I added to my last post when I edited it.....I don't understand why so many people act completely different on the internet than they would in real life. It's hard enough as it is to judge someone by the words they type on the internet. There are a lot of people who say stupid shit on here they would never say in person. On the flip side of things, there are many of these same members who act like tools on the internet but I'm sure are cool as hell in person.

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dont mean we have to race around columbus...do you love the car stuff? thats all that counts IMO

I am not as much about the car stuff as I used to be. But whos on here just because? I mean I built cars, raced cars, wrecked cars. Its obvious some guys are here only because they own a car. If thats where/what we have become than so be it but this needs addressed.

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I am not as much about the car stuff as I used to be. But whos on here just because? I mean I built cars, raced cars, wrecked cars. Its obvious some guys are here only because they own a car. If thats where/what we have become than so be it but this needs addressed.


Like me :) i dont even know what "AWD" stands for, but i always see it followed by the word "fail", then furthermore its always associated with me....i cant figure it out.

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Jason... you dont have to argue every point everyone makes. Calm down broham.


you dont have to butt in when we need a admin...and just cause your 1/2 bro dont mean you can call any one bro...bro

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