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Call it as I see it


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I think you 2 might actually be the same person. What does it matter is she owns the state of ohio? The point is what does any of us have to say before posting so she doesnt get offended when she totally misconstues a post and assumes someone is talking about her. I mean really? Any other person would have merely said "oh I am sorry, I mistook your post", but no. Now were fucking up this thread because she wants to argue womens lib.


she using way to many big words for me to understand, or type.


and she took some of your posts from the other thread...and that is whjat is driving her at the moment. alone from the bs we have going on.


time for me to get shit done...we guys/gals figure it out.

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Seriously, my internet goes down and we end up with bullshit in a thread about stopping bullshit.


Back on topic

Everyone involved should meet up for a round table. The problems are dividing the forum and making things more stressful than need be. We cant force you to like each other but you can at least be civil to each other.


I want everyone that is willing to talk this out like respectable adults to post it publicly in here. No more behind the scenes pm fights, threatening text messages, kitchen fights crossing the lines, etc. This is the only way I see to actually stop this.. anything else would be sweeping it under the rug.

Brian I am sorry, and I really didnt want this going down this road, but I'm not sure where Dana is coming from and if anyone out there can point to where what it was she has taken offense to and can explain it to me, I would sincerely appreciate it.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
So as to not get this thread anymore OT I will pm you asking why your bring up the fact that females belong on here. Are you assuming I dont think girls should be or that I think men are superior in any way to women. I merely brought up the fact that there are guys on here that seem to have no interest in cars other than owning one. Why on earth would you try to make this about you and womens rights. Should I have to preficit my posts because you think when I say "guys" it actually means "dana, eye of the beholder, robs girlfriend, receptionist at gearheadz"? Ok I am not going to pm.


Actually, getting OT would be NOT addressing the fact that there is a harder road to hoe for chicks. Evident in the way you reference me as a receptionist...and why do you think I am nothing more? Because, Rob is the automotive genius, it is his shop...But, you, not knowing my employment history, have pigeon holed me as nothing more than a peon to answer phones and shuffle messages. If you would like to see all of vendor contact info...it comes back to me. Would you like all of my media contact info? Karric Ruleau with cd101, how about the deals I have organized with regard to the number one convention in the US that will be at the Regency May 29, 30 and 31st...now...if you think a "receptionist" would take care of business like that and be copecetic with such a dinosaur term...maybe insanity should be referenced as wnaplay. Its not about WOMEN's rights...it's about HUMAN rights. I have managed multi million dollar traveling exhibits for a company based out of Atlanta, GA that has installations world wide...and I was doing "receptionist" type work...hahahaha....receptionist...:rolleyes:. One of these days Alice...to the MOON!!!


Can I change your name Archie Bunker?;)

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she using way to many big words for me to understand, or type.


and she took some of your posts from the other thread...and that is whjat is driving her at the moment. alone from the bs we have going on.


time for me to get shit done...we guys/gals figure it out.

I cant figure out what about "hey if linn did that, it was wrong" she took offense to. I was one of the few in that thread that agrred with her and took her side.

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Brian I am sorry, and I really didnt want this going down this road, but I'm not sure where Dana is coming from and if anyone out there can point to where what it was she has taken offense to and can explain it to me, I would sincerely appreciate it.


You said something about Rob "letting her post" in another thread and shes still tying things back to gender.

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Guest Removed
Brian I am sorry, and I really didnt want this going down this road, but I'm not sure where Dana is coming from and if anyone out there can point to where what it was she has taken offense to and can explain it to me, I would sincerely appreciate it.


i would point you there..but its deleted.


see post above this one.

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You said something about Rob "letting her post" in another thread and shes still tying things back to gender.

I asked why would Rob wanting his girlfriend posting around guys. Not allow. These guys are cruel at times. Is it not a legitimate question to wonder why any man would want to put his mom, sister, daughter, wife girlfriend, in a situation to be addressed in a possibly derogatory way? I wouldnt want my wife to deal with that or put up with that. I guess I should have asked why he would have introduced her to that. From what I have gathered pics were found and made fun of or something along those lines. Is that something she should have to deal with?

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
Should I have to preficit my posts because you think.


Ummm, it's preface. You can thank me next Secretary's Day...FYI...White Roses...Red is so declasse. Should I call your receptionist...I mean domestic engineer... I mean woman...I mean wife <heavy sigh>:confused:and let her in on my Wish List for Receptionist Day?

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Guest Removed
This has gone way OT and gotten way out of hand...:nono:


i dont think its off topic...this thread is about making CR better right?:confused:


or did i miss read ants post? dana has a damn solid point

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I asked why would Rob wanting his girlfriend posting around guys. Not allow. These guys are cruel at times. Is it not a legitimate question to wonder why any man would want to put his mom, sister, daughter, wife girlfriend, in a situation to be addressed in a possibly derogatory way? I wouldnt want my wife to deal with that or put up with that. I guess I should have asked why he would have introduced her to that. From what I have gathered pics were found and made fun of or something along those lines. Is that something she should have to deal with?


Just squash it. It has nothing to do with this thread.


Its not about making CR better, it about stopping the stupid shit thats having an impact in peoples real lives.

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Guest Removed
I asked why would Rob wanting his girlfriend posting around guys. Not allow. These guys are cruel at times. Is it not a legitimate question to wonder why any man would want to put his mom, sister, daughter, wife girlfriend, in a situation to be addressed in a possibly derogatory way? I wouldnt want my wife to deal with that or put up with that. I guess I should have asked why he would have introduced her to that. From what I have gathered pics were found and made fun of or something along those lines. Is that something she should have to deal with?


she is a big girl. she can handle herself. hell look at who she is dating...hello....as you seen from the payback planned for that person which wronged her. this is not a girl to fuck with.

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Not once in any thread have I tried to be anything other than kosher with you Dana yet you continue to try and either in some way put me down, in my place, show some sort of superioity over me. I mistakenly misspelled a word and you felt the need to point that out if you look hard I am sure its not the first time. Here if your so bent on telling me/proving that you are somewhat better than I am(unwarranted I might add), I will let you start by pointing out what it is that makes you so much better than I am. Then I will try to counter with something and we will continue until there is a victor. Sound good? Well, I apologized via pm stating I am sorry you have me confused with someone else. Is that an apology? Edited by wnaplay
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Not once in any thread have I tried to be anything other than kosher with you Dana yet you continue to try and either in some way put me down, in my place, show some sort of superioity over me. I mistakenly misspelled a word and you felt the need to point that out if you look hard I am sure its not the first time. Here if your so bent on telling me/proving that you are somewhat better than I am(unwarranted I might add), I will let you start by pointing out what it is that makes you so much better than I am. Then I will try to counter with something and we will continue until there is a victor. Sound good?


No because the next time anyone posts off topic they are getting banned from this thread... and maybe the forum. This needs to get back on topic and quick.


I'm not playing anymore.

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What keeps me coming back can be summed up by this movie quote.

Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.

Pig Vomit: How can that be?

Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next."

Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?

Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.

Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen?

Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."


I really am afraid if I leave for a few months, I will miss something.

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So.. how about that roundtable? First of all it will have to be violence free. However to be safe we can have enough moderators (not actual moderators... big ass 250+lbs CR members :lol: ) to stop any bullshit from jumping off. Debate it out in a private setting without the CR instigators getting involved. See if we can find common ground and go from there.


Keep this in mind... Most involved have their own business and this is not good for any of you. When you fight online you dont see the many lurkers that you are losing business from for the simple fact that they dont want to be involved in the drama.

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Guest Removed
No because the next time anyone posts off topic they are getting banned from this thread... and maybe the forum. This needs to get back on topic and quick.


I'm not playing anymore.

now hear me out brian

but i will have to ask..how many females have been ran off here?( some admins and super mods was in here today telling her about it, and said you go girl) due to the ways some other members act? asking for pics,pming them for sex and what not? hell i hardly ever see tina post anymore. ryans wife never gets on. hoblicks girl once in a blue moon. IMO its seems like it was sort of on topic. i mean if i tell sam his car is slow, then what..nothing its horseplay. but if a girl picks on his dress and the way he acted at a meeting at our shop, other members have the right to jump all over her, hence she is a sponsor, and another topic on this was sponsor bashing..yet still on topic. but then what do i know.im just a grease monkey.granted this went to far, its done. what else is wrong here?

kitchen use is way up...thats need nulled down.


anyway the tech section could be sponsor me us?:D but i'll save that for another day.

its time for a CR evolution anyway. i know itsa coming..there is no reason for this much stress on everyone. i mean hell, and mod is done, do to the sponsor bashing shit...granted it was nuttswinger on sponsor, but still yet the same. i dont know im done with this thread..i have work to do.

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Guest Removed
So.. how about that roundtable? First of all it will have to be violence free. However to be safe we can have enough moderators (not actual moderators... big ass 250+lbs CR members :lol: ) to stop any bullshit from jumping off. Debate it out in a private setting without the CR instigators getting involved. See if we can find common ground and go from there.


Keep this in mind... Most involved have their own business and this is not good for any of you. When you fight online you dont see the many lurkers that you are losing business from for the simple fact that they dont want to be involved in the drama.


i think you have said it before man...im the only one here, that can post in the kitchen and get more work...:lol: hell the shop is full :lol: and then some.

and the issue remains,one of the partys involved is one of the cr instigators. see where this is not cool.

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i think you have said it before man...im the only one here, that can post in the kitchen and get more work...:lol: hell the shop is full :lol: and then some.

and the issue remains,one of the partys involved is one of the cr instigators. see where this is not cool.


That issues has tio be handles seperately. I'm more focused on the sponsors at this point. Even if everyone just decided to play nice that would be a start at this point.

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