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Call it as I see it


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I would think loyal customers should argue who's shop is better.


That's fine, customer between customer is a good thing customer vs rival shop owners not so much so, unelse that customer went to said shop and didn't get work done that was claimed or along those lines and we all ready have a section for stuff like that.

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Guest Removed
I sent Rob a PM yesterday afternoon asking him if he wanted me to stop by his shop so that we could sit down and talk like adults.


I got no reply, then get online to see Dana's post. Rob let me know if you want to talk.


well im going to nip this one in the bud right now. To be flat out honest. What would you have to say to me at this point? or the other way around? You sir are on my ignore list. any pm you try to send me, wont go thru, or even show up in my box. figured you would have known this after me posting it several other times on the forum here. and if it was after 5pm yesterday, it was already to late. Now, you damn sure know my shops number..now dont you:mad:. maybe you should learn to how to pick up a phone, and push those magic buttons on it with the fancy writing on them called numbers, since its seems that you can type it out rather nice. At this point, im not the one you need to talk too anyway. Dana is. She is taking a great deal of pride in handling the matter involving you and this shop, her and both her chins. Or is it too below you to have a humbling convo with a female that has higher functioning brain waves then you? She tired to warn you in the other thread, she is not like any other female you have ever meet. your loss, but i guess you are going to find out the hard way.

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holy fucking shit jason.... youre worse than the people you bitch about on a daily basis


the first 5 or so pages of this thread are you arguing with people over some stupid shit after anthony just told everyone to stfu


youre not allowed saying shit to me anymore jason, youre just as bad

TYler are you serious? This is a discussion. Thats where people talk together. And in this particular discission we are trying to come up with a solution and a remedy. Thats how a discussion works. One person comments and then the next. Perhaps this should be a comment board instead of a forum. I really am interetsed in you view point on this so have an opinion instead of just a comment. Here this is even better, come up with an actual solution because frankly, you have been considered one of the post whores since joining yet no matter how often pointed out by members you stay blind and keep doing it over and over.

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I just read all 7 pgs because I work at the slowest store on earth. Btw dana and wnaplay should only be allowed 150 characters per post because those 2 write novels in almost every post.
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Guest tbutera2112
TYler are you serious? This is a discussion. Thats where people talk together. And in this particular discission we are trying to come up with a solution and a remedy. Thats how a discussion works. One person comments and then the next. Perhaps this should be a comment board instead of a forum. I really am interetsed in you view point on this so have an opinion instead of just a comment. Here this is even better, come up with an actual solution because frankly, you have been considered one of the post whores since joining yet no matter how often pointed out by members you stay blind and keep doing it over and over.


im not getting into a multipage banter with you like rob did...sorry to not feed into your boredom


if you wanna PM me because you dislike my posts, then by all means feel free...


/my part of this discussion...just wanted to point out the simple fact that youre just as bad as the people you bitch about....this is post what? 10,500,283 since you hurt your foot? postwhore

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Thats funny. Yes please ban me. The funny part is you say ban without any reasoning and I keep getting guys pm'ing me and agreeing with what I say.


Wow, that's great. Enjoy your secret fellowship of the corn-ring.


Someone needs to put boobies on here to make this entertaining


http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/17/post-189-1137541008.gif SJ rules

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im not getting into a multipage banter with you like rob did...sorry to not feed into your boredom


if you wanna PM me because you dislike my posts, then by all means feel free...


/my part of this discussion...just wanted to point out the simple fact that youre just as bad as the people you bitch about....this is post what? 10,500,283 since you hurt your foot? postwhore

Postwhore wow. I am sorry my posts arent one liners so you can keep up. Its funny how you try to be cool in pm's then run your mouth on the forum. Miller is pissed because I made a comment about him drunk posting now hes calling for a ban. Tyler look at your post count vs. mine vs. years. Do any of you really want to put your record up against mine for who offers more to cr and its members. And Phil fuck you:cool: No more rides for you.

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Guest tbutera2112
Postwhore wow. I am sorry my posts arent one liners so you can keep up. Its funny how you try to be cool in pm's then run your mouth on the forum. Miller is pissed because I made a comment about him drunk posting now hes calling for a ban. Tyler look at your post count vs. mine vs. years. Do any of you really want to put your record up against mine for who offers more to cr and its members. And Phil fuck you:cool: No more rides for you.


wow another person taking things said in the open forum way too seriously... PMs are usually something specific, such as the cbr and the trailer*those are the only 2 recent ones i can think of*...open forum is a whole lot of bs to begin with...you pm me or i pm you about something specific, of course im not going to "run my mouth", same reason why i "try to be cool" with you when posting in a serious thread in responce to something you said....this thread is far from serious after you and rob came in and fubar'd it....i plan to cutback on my postings, but theres no way in hell im typing out a thousand word emo responce about it like firehead, so if that isnt good enough, i gives no fuck

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Wna you are not even worth quoting. You're constantly writing novels for the sake of people quoting you and getting sucked into your fucking banter all day. My drunk posts are a response of much needed win.



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lol. that picture you posted looks like thorne


Yeah when I seen it I had to question myself If someone had a pic of when I had my back surgery. =) But I've lost weight since then.....






ok on topic.


I've been on CR a long time. I think CR in some ways made me a better person.


When I got banned from CR I questioned my actions allot and how I interact with situions. I had to learn that showing off to people who have WAY more into there toys then I did or do have no was pointless and did nothing postive to myself or others.


I changed the way I acted and got back on CR. That being said.


I trash IPS at one point because it was the cool thing to do "Not really but ehh". After talking with IPS I decided it was only fair I gave them a shot I took my monte down there and after they were done it shifted way smoother and I was happy with there work


Over the past few years I've spent my fair share of cash at IPS and like there work. BUT That does not mean other shops in columbus suck. I've used other shops for things to even thought IPS is my shop of choice and never had a issue.


I've had ROB drove his ass across town because my dumb ass did not know how to tell if a fuse was blown. He fixed it bullshited with me aminute and took care of me


I've dynoed at Dynotune on my bike and my monte carlo. Brian has been nothing but nice to me and in reality he has all the reasons to treat me like shit. (*IF you don't know why your not OG*)


We have allot of shops on here and when the shops all build cool projects it brings ego to the table. And something I've seen in my time in cars tis that EGO drives allot of the drama.


When I meet someone and they trash CR I am quick to correct them that were not a bunch of street racing kids. At one point in time that is what we are but I watched us grow from a bunch of guys racing on 40 to adults who do car shows to benfit people and in general are a car club



CR has came a long way and I for one would like to see it keep going.


I mean when we had a friend die we tried to honor them the best way we could. We've came together on many occasion as one unit when the shit has hit the fan. I like that about us. The same poeple who can call each other dumb fucks on line can joing together for a common good.



thats my piece. Carry on

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Guest Removed
not straight from your shop per-say but more gearhead v. IPS customers.

no, more like some of IPS customer's attacking me on the forum, bashing my work. when they have never even had anything done by me.

That's fine, customer between customer is a good thing customer vs rival shop owners not so much so, unelse that customer went to said shop and didn't get work done that was claimed or along those lines and we all ready have a section for stuff like that.

when a customer of theirs comes in here going well they did that, and there the last one to touch this or that...what am i to say? other then i'll take care of it for you, but that pricing is above what your having done. i mean i feel some customers get me trapped in the middle of it.i had one customer flat out say to me "FUCK IPS" but yet he still goes back there. thats not my issue. and i have not repeated that till now.

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Anthony asked for serious responses to a problem he is tired of dealing with. As a friend and a user of the board, I take it very serious to try and come up with a solution by bringing the problems I see to light. I am surprised that every post in here doesnt do that. I take responsibility for this going astray and apologized for that. For those that dont know Anthony, he's not bs'ing about how he takes this personally. And from talking with BC he doesnt either.
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Guest tbutera2112
Wna you are not even worth quoting. You're constantly writing novels for the sake of people quoting you and getting sucked into your fucking banter all day. My drunk posts are a response of much needed win.




fixed - :nws:


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Well i hate to hear people after x date needs to be banned or what so ever. I'm new to some since but i'm frequently coming to meets and such, and i mostly see the same people at times, and those same people either joined around the same time or either joined after i did. Now i enjoy the forum but some of the crazyness needs to be handle face to face not PM's or the Phone! You cant get shit done that way. 1. I think you cant really express how you feel at times threw the web. 2. On the phone it comes to lets see who can yell the most and at times people dont freakin listen!


Now i know im new but if you think im annyoing say something instead of typing behind the words as im seeing people do. There not directly saying so and so there saying people who joined after x which inst everyone. And i think mike said something as to making it harder to join? Thats not a smart idea we tried that and people said we were DICK's n Such.


Rob i love the comic!!! But whatever happen to the gangbang :confused:

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