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Indy 500, Who's Going....


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:thumbup:THIS GUY!!!:thumbup:



I got a call from a friend of mine last night who had an extra ticket to the Indy 500 Sunday. It's one of those deals where he "known’s a friend who works with this guy who knows another guy who just happens to have an extra few tickets in the luxury suites there” Well one guy bailed and so I got the call. I’m probably goanna drive out tonight (After the Penguins win game 3... GO PENS!) and meet them at their hotel. Then drive back either Sunday night or Monday. I’ll take some pictures and post them up when I get back! Whaoo! I’m pretty excited, it should be fun.

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I went to the one two years ago that got rained on hard. I feel like I got screwed because of it. I wish I could make it to this year's. My friends that usually go to this stuff are down in Charlotte for the Coke 600, instead.
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