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Jon & Kate Plus 8


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John needs nail that harpie in the mouth with a straight right. She is such a bitch and is about to lose her show and husband. Then she will just be a bitch with a big va-j-j and lots of kids.


What do you think she is now? :confused:

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What do you think she is now? :confused:


Well it appears she might have had the kids via c-section. Right now she still legally has a husband but I bet John is plotting his escape right now.


BTW did you see his whip? He was pimping a white GTR wonder if he bought that with a cupon like the harpie always talks about?

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From what my wife has told me, they are essentially already split. She's bangin the bodyguard and he's banging some teacher. They just put on the relationship "for the show", but she doesn't watch the show a lot. She's been reading up in the entertainment mags and such where they have the spy photo's of each of them out and about with these other people and it looks pretty obvious that they are not hangin as "friends" like they claim. She says the mags have real info instead of the "hey look at me on TV" shit they air on the show.
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Oh and you're all gay, by the way.


"My wife watches ... "

"My girlfriend told me ..."


Yeah right ... I know you're all lying too, cause you know what I do when my girl starts flapping at the jaw ... think about porn and nod my head.

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If they do split up, he's going to be poor as shit most likely. She'll get all the kids, full custody, and have to pay child support until their 18.


He's fucked.


Doubtful, He is as vested in the income as she is. In fact he would likely get spousal support as her book tours and speaking engagements account for a significant portion of the income.

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It is TLC's highest rated show. They are paid $50,000 an episode. I half believe it is all manufactured drama to increase viewership...

Never know, they both could be playing everyone for chumps to collect the mad cash. Nothing generates ratings like drama and right now, they are balls deep in the drama llama.

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Never know, they both could be playing everyone for chumps to collect the mad cash. Nothing generates ratings like drama and right now, they are balls deep in the drama llama.


Kate probably slept with the drama llama.

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I doubt that it is fake, I bet there was a executive at tlc that knew the time would come where it would all be too much and things would fall apart. So, he locked them up in a contract, placed his bet and the gamble paid off.
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Oh and you're all gay, by the way.


"My wife watches ... "

"My girlfriend told me ..."


Yeah right ... I know you're all lying too, cause you know what I do when my girl starts flapping at the jaw ... think about porn and nod my head.


You are the fail if you can't think of two things at once while listening to someone talk. Multitasking ftw.

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I totally forgot how religious they are suppose to be. I remember my girlfriend was reading their book and they had all these Bible quotes and how they turned to God for help.


Looks like he's done helping them. :lol: They're not acting very "spiritual", so to speak.

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Well it appears she might have had the kids via c-section. Right now she still legally has a husband but I bet John is plotting his escape right now.


BTW did you see his whip? He was pimping a white GTR wonder if he bought that with a cupon like the harpie always talks about?


that was a Z not a GTR

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I hate this damn show. Kate is a fucking bitch and I would cheat on her ass too lol. Seems to me that they are in it now for the money and don't seem to be into the kids like they should. If you watch that episode which I was forced to watch last night with my gf lol, you will see that Kate can not stand having kids.
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I just watched the new (I think) episode tonight.


Interesting. Sounds like they've already split up. I guess a separation of some sort. I'm not even sure if he's living at home.


Oh well, I got my own problems at home. They fucked themselves by signing a contract with TLC.


Anyone catch that movie that was made a few years ago.. Ed TV. where the dude signed a contract, and they followed his EVERY move except the bathroom I think. Drove him nuts, fucked up his social life. And so on. Same thing happening with this family.

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From what my wife has told me, they are essentially already split. She's bangin the bodyguard and he's banging some teacher. They just put on the relationship "for the show", but she doesn't watch the show a lot. She's been reading up in the entertainment mags and such where they have the spy photo's of each of them out and about with these other people and it looks pretty obvious that they are not hangin as "friends" like they claim. She says the mags have real info instead of the "hey look at me on TV" shit they air on the show.






my wife is a 'junkie' when it comes to this show, and all of the above appears to be true. i can't stand to watch the show, and go out to our living room to watch repo man, when this show is on. jon gets beat-down constantly by that controlling bitch. the show needs to end if there's any chance of their marriage working out. $75k/show---41 episodes last year alone--over 3 million. that crazy bitch charges $20 per autograph, $3k per hour to speak, and $125 per person to eat lunch with her--all the while, poor jon is elbow-deep in diaper shit and barf

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jon gets beat-down constantly by that controlling bitch. the show needs to end if there's any chance of their marriage working out. $75k/show---41 episodes last year alone--over 3 million. that crazy bitch charges $20 per autograph, $3k per hour to speak, and $125 per person to eat lunch with her--all the while, poor jon is elbow-deep in diaper shit and barf


And doin this while she's away :doh:

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