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Verizon wireless insiders - BB Storm POS


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Anyone know when there will be a software upgrade available for the BB Storm? I HATE this POS phone. Landscape, Portrait, it doesn't know when to do those things. Keyboard disappears while typing emails. The camera NEVER geo tags. The video recorder has never worked. 1/2 the time I make a call my ear puts the phone into speakerphone mode. I push unlock and wait 5 minutes for the phone to unlock. Answering a call from locked screen usually means the call rolls to VM (even though I pushed the answer key). I am just really put off by how bad this phone is. I realize I am an early adopter but ever since I got my iPod touch I have realized that things which are simple on the touch, are near impossible on the storm.


I have heard the software that is out there is better, but VZW says they have no upgrade path and cannot tell me when better SW will be available.


So, before I go to the verizon wireless store and demand they fix this freaking POS, I want to know if there is a change on the horizon and how long I have to wait.

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It isn't that simple, changing from one BB to another is a PITA.


Yeah I am just saying the phone is better. It would be worth the hassle. That is why I bought a curve instead of a storm to begin with :D

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I had an 8830 world and was happy with it. The storm looked like a step in the right direction. I really would have preferred the Bold but that is ATT only. I guess Verizon doesn't like my $400+ per month billing and would prefer to carry shitty phones.
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Get an iphone


There is no enterprise service to provide email and corporate directory via the iPhone, not like BES anyway. Additionally, there is no iPhone on Verizon and ATT coverage at my house is crap.

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There is a new software update out. I sold my storm and went back to the curve cause it was acting up so hard. My brother is on his 3rd but the storm 2 is suppose to fix 80 percent of the issues out
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there is an update, it was available OTA a couple of weeks ago. Just go to options/advanced options/wireless update. if it is not working just hook it up to your computer and download it. Also visit crackberry.com and look through the forums, they suggest changing settings to getting things working better. Hope it gets working for you
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there is an update, it was available OTA a couple of weeks ago. Just go to options/advanced options/wireless update. if it is not working just hook it up to your computer and download it. Also visit crackberry.com and look through the forums, they suggest changing settings to getting things working better. Hope it gets working for you


it isn't working via wireless update.


I DON'T HAVE A PC TO DOWNLOAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







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Here’s a list of the bugs that have been removed. This update removes more bugs than a can of Raid.


Mute and End buttons would work incorrectly while using an A2DP headset on a call.

Display to briefly showed small, multi-colored dots across the entire screen.

White bar to displayed on the screen bug.

Ringtones played even when phone is set to vibrate.

Pictures taken in landscape mode and sent would show in portrait.

Notifications didn’t showfor incoming text messages.

Call timer to intermittently showed incorrectly.

Error and possibly display issues when more than 40 items are present in the call log.

Rare bug where multitap keypad could behave like SureType keypad.

Music artist is deleted from the phone, the artist’s tracks could still show.

Bug preventing renaming of file extensions on music playlists.

Choppy audio playback on downloaded WMA files.

Rare bug where phone could reset while recording a video for MMS attachment.

Pausing a video recording.

Backlight timinged out while playing streamed video content.

Device lock while typing.

Camera problems and pictures appearing in wrong resolution

EV-DO bug.

.odf files stored on media cards played correctly.

Bug that could inform the user they don’t have rights to play music when the message is not necessary.

Popping noises in downloaded songs.

Bugs preventing creation and opening of playlists in some circumstances.

Bug that could prevent access to the Music Library from the Options menu in the media player.

Bug prevented correct display of streaming video content sent in a text message.

Bugs preventing preview of songs when using V CAST Rhapsody.

Bugs preventing playback of video recorded on the phone.

Improvements to prevent intermittent error messages displayed in the media player.

Sped up display of pictures.

Bbug causing Incoming Call screen to not show when user is in some applications.

Bug that could prevent LED indicator from turning on when device is charged.

Bug causing Enterprise Activation screen to show after activation is complete.

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Here’s a list of the bugs that have been removed. This update removes more bugs than a can of Raid.


Mute and End buttons would work incorrectly while using an A2DP headset on a call.

Display to briefly showed small, multi-colored dots across the entire screen.

White bar to displayed on the screen bug.

Ringtones played even when phone is set to vibrate.

Pictures taken in landscape mode and sent would show in portrait.

Notifications didn’t showfor incoming text messages.

Call timer to intermittently showed incorrectly.

Error and possibly display issues when more than 40 items are present in the call log.

Rare bug where multitap keypad could behave like SureType keypad.

Music artist is deleted from the phone, the artist’s tracks could still show.

Bug preventing renaming of file extensions on music playlists.

Choppy audio playback on downloaded WMA files.

Rare bug where phone could reset while recording a video for MMS attachment.

Pausing a video recording.

Backlight timinged out while playing streamed video content.

Device lock while typing.

Camera problems and pictures appearing in wrong resolution

EV-DO bug.

.odf files stored on media cards played correctly.

Bug that could inform the user they don’t have rights to play music when the message is not necessary.

Popping noises in downloaded songs.

Bugs preventing creation and opening of playlists in some circumstances.

Bug that could prevent access to the Music Library from the Options menu in the media player.

Bug prevented correct display of streaming video content sent in a text message.

Bugs preventing preview of songs when using V CAST Rhapsody.

Bugs preventing playback of video recorded on the phone.

Improvements to prevent intermittent error messages displayed in the media player.

Sped up display of pictures.

Bbug causing Incoming Call screen to not show when user is in some applications.

Bug that could prevent LED indicator from turning on when device is charged.

Bug causing Enterprise Activation screen to show after activation is complete.


What version is this?


I have parallels running XP, here is the cool fun that I am encountering. I also use Verizon EVDO and that will not allow parallels to share the link. So, I cannot upgrade my black berry because my service provider, doesn't want my VM to run.

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What version is this?


I have parallels running XP, here is the cool fun that I am encountering. I also use Verizon EVDO and that will not allow parallels to share the link. So, I cannot upgrade my black berry because my service provider, doesn't want my VM to run.

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Don't be a tech noob and run the .75 software. Get online, get some beta software (Like i have, running / 5.0 Hybrid) and its fast as hell. Also shrunk my OS with all the un-needed files and i sit at about 45 megs of memory free at all times, with 0 memory leaks. I recommend not getting the VZW software, and just going to crackberry . com and learn how to put on beta OS's, since new ones come out like every week.
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Don't be a tech noob and run the .75 software. Get online, get some beta software (Like i have, running / 5.0 Hybrid) and its fast as hell. Also shrunk my OS with all the un-needed files and i sit at about 45 megs of memory free at all times, with 0 memory leaks. I recommend not getting the VZW software, and just going to crackberry . com and learn how to put on beta OS's, since new ones come out like every week.


With him not having way to revert back to OE software warranty issues would be complicated.

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