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Verizon wireless insiders - BB Storm POS


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With him not having way to revert back to OE software warranty issues would be complicated.


True, but just make a backup of your .75 data? But then again this all goes back to the not having a computer thing... Someone needs to design a program to backup/restore data on your blackberry.

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I rolled into the store nearby and they said "you just do options, advanced options....." No jerk, it isn't working.


"ok, just use your desktop" I have a mac


eventually they put the manager on their pc in the back and hooked my BB to it. They removed all my enterprise data after reloading the phone but I have the new software.


I am quite happy with the dude at the store. He's the man.


He also showed me this



very cool, I need one.

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  sprayin77 said:
Is there anyone on here that can hook me up with the blackberry storm? I have a shitty razor and my contract isnt up till like november or december. I have 3 phones on my plan and would like to upgrade all 3. Anyone got a hook up pm me.


LOL, you read this thread and still want one?

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Oh, I emailed with the co-worker mentioned earlier. He's using the 1.22 software from Canada Bell. He said you can get it from them, or from crackberry.com. He said it's a night and day different phone now. But then again you'll need a PC. Go pick up a $300 netbook or something.
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The verizon dude let me walk out of the store with my backup on a thumb drive. I went into the office and borrowed someone else's computer and did a restore. Wasn't the cleanest install ever but I have a working phone again.


I guess if you have a PC and are good about backing up with the desktop manager, you should be ok. Just remember, you cannot call VZW on the Storm and ask for help as they will tell you to call back on a different line. You cannot call and ask about features or functionality because they will defer to BlackBerry. The line between where VZW helps and BlackBerry is responsible, is very fine.

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Why is my BlackBerry sucking a mac problem? RIM doesn't my a decent desktop tool that runs on mac. If I was running linux I would be in the same boat.


So, what you are saying, Jones, is that Microsoft rules. WOW!

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  Akula said:
Why is my BlackBerry sucking a mac problem? RIM doesn't my a decent desktop tool that runs on mac. If I was running linux I would be in the same boat.


So, what you are saying, Jones, is that Microsoft rules. WOW!


That's low..


I respond with a simple link.

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Actually there is a command prompt program for dos that allows you to send files to the blackberry device memory not sd card. Problem is it is in Japanese. If you want a challenge I have one for you...


Are you man enough?

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  Akula said:
I have it solved now. I know what to avoid in the future. I think I'm good. Besides, mac doesn't really run DOS either.


I don't do bootcamp because I don't like MSFT.


Lifehacker.com owns you but at least you have it solved.


In case you are interested and have an intel based mac http://lifehacker.com/5053294/boxer-emulates-dos-on-your-mac

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  trowa said:
Lifehacker.com owns you but at least you have it solved.


In case you are interested and have an intel based mac http://lifehacker.com/5053294/boxer-emulates-dos-on-your-mac


Trowa is so cool he uses dosbox to play old dos games like Dune 1,2, Tyrian, and extreme pinball on his winxp box.

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back on topic, I like the Storm much better today than I have in the last month. I am ultra upset that Verizon waited so long to approve already outdated code. When asked why I didn't get an OTA update, the tech said that VZW doesn't control it but rather BB does.
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