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Photo Guys - Input Please


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Please critique this photo (good / bad / suggestions)






not sure of the meaning or reasoning behind the photo....but nice fire hydrant :confused:,


here's my take on the techicals:


Exposure....looks to be a cloudy day. Techically it's exposed well, but can't tell if it's true to the moment. Some cameras will meter off the road and underexpose such an image on a very bright day. All in all good.


Color....seems good.


White balance, near perfect, but again, depends on the original scene. This is on tract for a shot on a cloudy day


Focus.....can't tell 100% in on a downsized image, but it's sharp here.


DOF.....depth of field is good. Looks to have been zoomed in which helps isolate the subject


Alignment....good. A pet peeve of mind is crooked horizons and yours appears good. The hydrant is vertical :)


Composition....rule of thirds followed which is good. However, again, I don't know the purpose or meaning behind the photo so I can't suggest much except that in this case it needs a caption :p


I think some macro's of the bolts or paint might work. Or perhaps isolate the hydrant with a portrait of a nice home or yard in the background. You could even shoot it from near ground level on that type of shot. Something from a dogs point of view would allow some creativity with perspectives.


Bottom line, if you're having fun with the camera and getting a feel for seeing the world through a lens, I applaud the efforts. I need to get out more. This has been a tough year for me to actually get out and have fun with a camera.

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This was pic # 16 taken on my new Nikon D40. :D


I was just playing around with the settings, and I got this pic. It suprised me, and just wondered what everyone though.


Yes, this WAS taken on a coudy day :D As for the Caption, I have thought that since I took the pic.... I just can't think of anything to put on it...



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This was pic # 16 taken on my new Nikon D40. :D


I was just playing around with the settings, and I got this pic. It suprised me, and just wondered what everyone though.


Yes, this WAS taken on a coudy day :D As for the Caption, I have thought that since I took the pic.... I just can't think of anything to put on it...




Not sure caption wise, but when the wife and I take the dogs for a walk, we always comment on how they check their "pee-mail" at each fire hydrant. It's like a ritual that they smell and then "write back" :D


Here are a couple versions I played with for you. Your original is the top one. The second I added a bit of softness and warmth to it and edited out the tree to pull the focus on the hydrant. The last is just a simple colorized BW version.



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How did you remove the tree? Photoshop I assume?




Photoshop. It was a quick edit so it's not perfect, but overall, it works. I have a copy of CS2 and it works great and uses far less resources than the latest CS4. Everyone has their prefs. I can prolly "find" a copy for you if you need to locate one :whistle:

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I have CS2, but, have no clue how to use it..... too many features when you do not know how to use the program. :rolleyes:


The learning curve is really steep, but there are good tutorials out there. MicroCenter has some. There are plenty of things online too. Just take it one step at a time and learn as you go or else you'll feel overwhelmed.


I'm not a 100% expert as all the features but I do know what it takes to do the things I use it for. Feel free to PM or call me anytime. I am most always processing images for me or a client in the evenings. If I'm not working I'm practicing myself.

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Tim, how do you do the Colorized B/W editing. I've got Photoshop I just never learned to use anything but the basics with it. I think my camera will actually take the shots in that mode too but haven't dicked around with those yet either.


There are several ways to convert to B&W. Techniques and tools will depend on the image. It's not often as simply desaturating the image. However, once it's done, you overlay the B&W on the color layer and paint back what you want in color. Personally, I don't shoot in camera B&W or Sepias. I do all of that in post processing as there's way more latitude and techniques available.


I shouldn't use the term colorize as that's actually something different.


Here's an example of a colorized photo. Original was a faded sepia and I added the flesh tones and color in Photoshop. :D



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All your tutorial problems solved lol.


Random thing, i got a few of those "How to learn Photoshop" cd's (Came to me by accident) by that bald dude who makes em. Like how to learn photoshop, how to use ebay etc. that guy. I got like 2 or 3 and if you want a cd to learn photoshop let me know.

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