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The Palm Pre


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I splurged and bought the Palm Pre for Sprint today. Its a pretty nice phone and has a lot of nice features. I still havent had a chance to view every nook and cranny of this phone yet but so far I like it better than my Instinct. The only thing I dont like that much right now is the slide up qwerty keyboard. People are working on an app that will bring an onscreen keyboard. All in all, great, fast phone for only $200.






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I would have purchased it if Palm didn't kill itself by signing the current rights over to Sprint. I wanted that phone since first rumors began ages ago. Also, the slide-keyboard is one of the distinct features of the phone; it's odd that someone would buy the phone but dislike that. I'm hoping/waiting for this right now:


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I have a mogul, and plan on upgrading to the Pre as soon as I can verify specific apps I need have a version/variant for palm.


upgrade to the touch pro...

i had a mogul.. was thinking about that palm pre, but im glad i went and got the tough pro.


alot faster than the mogul.. and all your apps will transfer over..

better camera etc.


touch pro FTW

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Its not that I dislike the keyboard really I guess, its just different. Im awaiting the onscreen keyboard to come out soon and then the phone will be complete IMO....


i was in the same boat with my G1 phone no touche screen typing but they fixed that with the update last week.


nice phone you got there make sure you keep a plastic (film thingy) on the screen to nto scratch it

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upgrade to the touch pro...

i had a mogul.. was thinking about that palm pre, but im glad i went and got the tough pro.


alot faster than the mogul.. and all your apps will transfer over..

better camera etc.


touch pro FTW


I was thinking about the Touch Pro II, but to be honest I'm a little tired of the WMUI, and am trying to find something a little different. Though if I can't get the apps I want on the Pre that's what I'll end up getting eventually.

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Good purchase. This Pre is currently up to be an iPhone killer. We'll see how it stacks up to the 3G S.


they have the EXACT same internals cpu/gpu

the Palm is A LOT faster because it utilizes the parallel processing available in the chipset, while the IPhone doesn't

however, Apple does have a much more polished UI

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